Finding My Dream Makers and My Dream Breakers
Are you tired of running in circles? You know you were created for something extraordinary, yet the road to achieving that which is your purpose becomes obscure. You ask yourself how can I make this happen? Often when the year closes and ushers in a new year, many are full of regrets about the promises or the goals they set but were unable to accomplish. Some are frustrated because they feel they have not grown beyond their weariness. Others are thankful yet discontent with life. Before we beat ourselves down, let’s take a close look at the Dream Makers and the Dream Breakers in our lives. Without the Dream Makers, many of our dreams would not come to fruition, as no man is an island. In the same token, if you insist on running your life with people who clearly are your dream breakers, you will never achieve your purpose in life. In fact, you will find yourself running in circles. Here is my candid question to you today? Are you tired? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Discontent? And you just don’t know how to move from where you are now to where you ought to be? Then, take this challenge with us today.
A Dream Maker inspires, motivates, empowers and challenges the best out of you. She/he ensures that you achieve your dreams, without seizing; whereas, a Dream Breaker is completely the opposite. He/She is a saboteur and a thief! Finding My Dream Maker’s Challenge is a 15-day challenge designed to help you identify the dream makers and the dream breakers in your life, before you go on setting any life goals. In addition, nudges you on to take some massive actions once you have deciphered who they are. When you take those challenges on a daily basis, consistently for 15 days, you will be closer to your goals in that clarity will come and you will have opened a space for your dream maker to walk right in to help. You can finally become that successful person you have always wanted to be but not without you taking the first steps.
Ready to get started?
Then read below to get all the details. See you at the winner circle. The rules
- (1a) Take a candid look at the people occupying your space: Home, business, career, health-wise, financial, spiritual & emotional. Take a hard inventory, every day for 15 days. Identify a toxic dream breaker? And identify a dream maker (they don’t have to be people you know personally. They can mentor from afar, e.g. via their books, seminars etc.)
- As the Dream Makers come to mind, can you reach out with a one liner to let them know you have identified them as your Dream Makers? For those you know from afar, why not post a one liner on their social media walls and yours too. I know it is a bold step. It is more for you than for them.
- Once you have identified your Dream breakers, jot down on your own note what you are going to do to clean that space? (This is going to be difficult… reason why it is a challenge.) Remember, you don’t have to fight or argue with them, you just need to clean your closet wisely.
- Here is the accountability part: Will you take the next step? Will you be willing to share the one-liners you have written and sent to your dream breakers; as well as the steps you have chosen to separate from your dream breakers? (Please do not include names) Perhaps, others will learn from you?
- This is the last step, now go and challenge someone else in your life to do the same and let’s make this a community of people who have made a decision to live their best life with authenticity, precision and intent.
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