I Teach…

fear11Many life coaches themselves fail, and that failure can be caused by a multitude of problems they personally have not dealt with. These can range from not understanding the amount of energy and time required, not having a motivational touch, or simply life coaching only for money. To succeed in anything, you have to have a love for it—not just a desire to cash in. Let’s take a look at five reasons why coaching businesses fail.

You Aren’t Living It!

Why on Earth would you coach someone on something you don’t—or wouldn’t—do yourself? People can smell a lie a long way. If you want to be the best life coach in the industry, you need to do more than just learn and give your knowledge. You need to start living it! Walk the walk, and lead by example—don’t just lead with words.

You Just Haven’t Mastered It

There are coaches who are pretty good at a lot of different things and are so excited to share their knowledge with their clients, yet fail miserably to differentiate themselves because they are, frankly, a dime a dozen. The best thing you could do as a coach, for your coaching business and your clients, is to pick a maximum of 3 very specific topics to coach on. If you’re a life coach, which specific parts of life will you focus on? The more targeted and focused you are, the more focused your clients will be, and the better results both you and your clients will see. If you’re an expert—be an expert!

It’s Not You… It’s Me

Just because you are able to get people revved up, doesn’t mean you’re bound to be a great coach. In fact, the definition of motivate is to give someone a motive to do something. That does not mean they’ll actually do it. Most coaches can give great strategies. The difference in going from good to great in coaching is getting your clients to actually take action.

Your Own Motives Have Priority

As a business or life coach, it is imperative that you focus on what your coaching clients want and need, NOT what you personally want. Your motives should be their motives. The second you prioritize what you think is important versus what your coaching client thinks is important, you have failed.

A Single Approach Is the Wrong Approach

If you’re not getting through to your coaching clients, it’s not them, it’s you. When you have only one approach, your level of influence will suffer tremendously, and neither you, nor your clients, will see results. Having only one approach is like driving down a dead-end road; it’s unlikely you’ll ever reach your destination. Just because one approach or strategy worked for you before, it does not mean it’ll work every time.

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I Speak…

sleepSo, we’ve spoken at length about public speaking and ways to excel as a public speaker—but we haven’t spoken about actually getting work as a public speaker. This blog is all about ways to find work. It’s not easy to convince someone to pay you to speak—sometimes it will seem impossible—but if you truly want to be a paid public speaker, you should be exploring these avenues.

Universities, Colleges and Schools

Look around you. Chances are, you live close to a university, college, state school, technical school, or some other educational institution. Team up with a professor or department head to hold a forum a subject relevant to you and the educator’s interest group. Invite people from the community to attend, as well.

Network in Your Business Groups

These lead exchange or facilitated networking groups are designed to be a tightly knit group of individuals from diverse businesses who meet regularly for the purpose of bringing business opportunities to the other members. Popular groups are Le Tip, Business Networking International (BNI), and Local Business Network (LBN). Join your preferred group and let the members know that you’re interested in speaking opportunities.

Clubs and Special Interest Groups

Music fanatic? Mother of a child? Coder with mad skills? No matter what your interest or circumstance, there’s a group for it. And if you can share information on a topic that’s relevant to its members, they’ll welcome you as a speaker.

Local Publications

Most areas have a magazine or newspaper devoted to area business news. Check out the periodical’s Events page (in print or online), then contact the organizations who have listed presentations and pitch them for speaking.

Your Clients

No need to get all fancy and overlook one of your most highly qualified sources! Ask your clients which groups they belong to and whether they accept outside speakers.

Other Professionals Who Speak Professionally

Look around at your colleagues, competitors, and other professionals who target the same audience you do. Check their websites and LinkedIn profiles to see where they’ve spoken. You can follow in their footsteps.

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I Write…

once uponThis week, I’d like to look at four signs that you need a content writer. If you are thinking about hiring a content writer, you are really hiring an expert who can write content to appeal to your audience. You are also hiring someone to correct problems that your blog may be having—poor visibility, poor audience participation—or just poor internet salesmanship all around. If you are encountering these problems, then you may want to find yourself an expert to help you correct them.

Why Content Matters…. And Why You Need Traffic

There is one rule to online business. You must blog! If you have a business with an Internet presence, you need a blog with lots of content. Blogging can certainly get boring, but it really does affect your bottom line. On average, blogs increase business. Businesses that blog get more traffic from Google and more visitors surfing in from other sites, which benefits revenue and brand loyalty. It’s a win-win!

Low Engagement…. No Effect

If people aren’t coming to your blog, you’re more than likely doing something wrong. The problem is, it could be any number of things. You might have a basic problem like lack of promotion, incredibly boring articles, poor targeting, or ten other reasons. You might be facing a competitor’s aggressive marketing campaign. Alternatively, your blog might just be too new. Pretty much everything you do on your blog affects engagement, so the problem could be almost anywhere. Don’t give up if you don’t get a million hits on your first day.

Irregular Habits

If you have a personality-driven blog, a lot of ideas, and the time to put it together, it’s fine to sit down and write what’s on your mind when you feel like it. As long as the ideas keep flowing, your audience will be receiving new content and hopefully coming back for more.

Missing Those Crucial Opportunities

When something happens that affects your business or your community, getting your voice out there can enhance your authority, expand your reach and deepen your connection to your customers. The right commentary at the right time is what viral posts are made of, but you need to have someone ready to react. Building an audience over time will ensure your voice is heard when you really need it to be.

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I Teach…

coachFor those of you who are wondering about the possibility of working with a coach, I’d like to talk a little about the ways a life coach can actually add to your life and encourage change for the better. I think we’ve talked a lot about reasons for getting a coach, and finding the right coach—but today this is all about coaches and their abilities. For me, a coach has to be someone who has experience, expertise, wisdom and the ability to listen. For you, the coach may be someone who gives you confidence or helps you discover new things about yourself. Let’s take a good look at coaches…

Finding Your True Purpose

Life coaches know that finding one’s purpose isn’t something that requires meditating for a few years on a mountaintop. That’s just unrealistic. A good life coach knows that an individual’s true purpose comes from a special combination of their hidden talents and passions. A good life coach will help you uncover those talents and passions that will then reveal to you your true purpose in life.

Motivating YOU

Sometimes, when we least expect it, life punches us in the face. We lose our jobs, we lose a loved one, we fall into old bad habits, we sink into depression, and so on. And if left alone, it could take years – if ever – to get back to our old awesome selves again. A quality coach will help us move past these obstacles and learn from them.

Building Your Confidence

Whatever it is you do in life, you’ll do it better and with more enjoyment when you’re confident. The opposite is also true – even the simplest tasks can be outright terrifying when you don’t have the confidence you need. Life coaches understand this better than anyone else.

Developing Your Spirituality

As happiness and success starts flowing into your life, you may find yourself at a very interesting crossroads. While you are happy with how amazing your life has become so far, there’s still something, or several things, missing. These ‘missing’ pieces are why even the seemingly most successful people in the world still turn to life coaches for guidance. Everyone needs to heal, grow and develop.

Guidance, Guidance, Guidance

Have you ever read or heard news of superstar athletes, famous politicians, and influential politicians who make careless decisions that ruin their careers? That’s the danger of success – it can take you places where your character can keep up with you.

Your life coach may keep you from going too fast. They will keep you accountable both to your life plan and to your deepest values. That way, as your success grows, your character will grow in stride with it.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Speak…

coachMost people feel fear at some point in their life. When speaking in public, people can find themselves panicking. I hear from these people quite often, and I wanted to put together some tips that would allow people to really get to grips with their fear of public speaking. We all know that it can be terrifying to stand in front of ten, ten thousand, or ten million people and speak—but all it really takes is organization, practice and focus… Let’s take a look at the tips.


Organization Is Success

When you organize all of your thoughts and materials, it helps you to become much more relaxed and calm. When you have clear, organized thoughts, it can greatly reduce your speaking anxiety because you can better focus on the one thing at hand—giving a great speech.

The Two P’s—Practice and Prepare

Nothing takes the place of practicing and preparing for your speech. Write out a script of your key points, but don’t speak from it word for word. Prepare for your speech so well that you could answer any possible question thrown at you.

Afraid of Rejection? Don’t Be So Hasty…

“What if my audience hates my speech? What if they boo me off stage?” Try to eliminate all of your fears of rejection. The audience is there to listen to you for a reason.


When you speak, try to get into a rhythm or a flow. Keep you sentences short and to the point and repeat key points. A short pause in between points can add anticipation for what you are going to say next.

Watch and Learn from Yourself

Pay special attention to:

  • Your facial expressions
  • Your gestures and habits
  • Your body movements
  • How friendly you appear

When you have gentle expressions and a calm demeanor when you speak, you will be more welcoming to your audience.

Record your speech on your phone or video camera. Record yourself giving the talk from beginning to end. Then listen to it or watch it, and make notes on how you could make it better. Some people do not like listening to the sound of their voice on tape, so it is important that you get used to your own voice and speaking style.

Give Your Speech to Another Person

There are plenty of people you can practice on. Be sure to tell the person to be completely honest with you in their critique.

Examples of people you can practice on:

  • Your partner
  • Your close friends
  • Your parents

Speaking directly to another person with whom you feel comfortable will help relax you and give you experience with getting feedback from someone. If they have questions about your speech, it is likely that members of an audience will have the same questions.

There’s Always a Teacher

Find a talented coach or mentor. There are many groups that you can join to learn the art of public speaking. Toastmasters may be the choice for you. It is non-profit and helps people get over their fears by having them practice speaking on subjects over and over.

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I Write…

writingThis blog is all about decisions—a decision that could take you to the next level—a decision that could allow your business to grow. I have put together four reasons why you should consider a ghost writer. These four reasons are a checklist. I want you to look over them and place a check against the reasons that would simplify your business life and give you time to grow, expand and become bigger. If you come away from this blog with three checks or more, I think you should investigate hiring a content writer—seriously. The time to act is the moment you realize action is needed!

Save Time

Would you rather just focus on growing your business? Hiring a ghost writer for your blog will free up some time so you can use your talents more effectively elsewhere. If you are spending more time creating content than you are spending bringing in new business, you may want to adjust your priorities.

Share Excellence

You may not be a great writer, but the business demands excellence. Perhaps you don’t need a ghost writer to take over your blog from start to finish; maybe you just need someone to proofread and edit your content before publishing. A good editor can help you fix your grammar and spelling, be more concise, and better organize your thoughts.

Cultivate Talent

You should try to update your blog with brand new content once a week. In order to keep coming up with relevant topics, you need to be clued into your industry, monitoring the mindsets of your readers, watching trends. It’s certainly an ongoing process. Some people are better at this than others. Sometimes you just don’t have the time. Sometimes you need to delegate. Again, you may not need a ghost writer to handle all your blog responsibilities… maybe you just need someone to research and brainstorm ideas with you.

Social Media Manager

Once your blog is written and published, you’re going to want to generate interest and attract new followers. This means posting on various social media, publishing an e-newsletter, monitoring and responding to comments, talking about your blog at networking events, maintaining a subscriber list, and anything else that will help get the word out. Remember, when it comes to blogging, you can’t rely on an “if you build it, they will come” mentality; someone has to constantly be plugging your blog and getting more eyeballs on it. It’s a full time job.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Teach…

fear11We’ve discussed how coaches can succeed, but I’d like to talk a little today about how both you and your coach can fail. There are many reasons for a failure to happen—and they often do—but why? Let’s find out…

Both Parties Have to Want It

All too often, coaches are assigned to people who don’t think they need help or don’t want help. Imagine being approached after delivering a speech and being told by that person that your boss thinks you need a coach to help with your presentations. The immediate reaction of most people would be, “I don’t need help. I’m doing just fine.”

For coaching to be truly successful, the person receiving the coaching must want it. Otherwise, it will be like dragging a horse behind you with one hand tied behind your back. Eventually, you may succeed, but not without a series of constant uphill battles.

When Your Coach Shouldn’t Be Coaching

Anyone can call himself or herself a coach. But that doesn’t mean they have the expertise or the experience to improve your condition. Before engaging the services of a coach, ask them to provide specific examples of how they have helped people with similar objectives to yours achieve their full potential. Ask questions regarding their background, and don’t be afraid to probe deeply. There are lots of coaches who have no business coaching. Make sure yours doesn’t fall into this category.

Coaching in Perpetuity

An effective coach works with their clients to set objectives and measurements of success before the engagement begins. The coach gets the job done within an agreed upon time period and disengages when their work is done. Compare this to the model where a coach comes in to work on a specific issue and never leaves the organization. A good coach knows when his work is done and encourages their clients to soar on their own.

You Have a Mentor, but Not a Coach

Lots of people think they have coaches when in fact they have mentors. Ask one hundred people to explain the difference between a coach and a mentor, and you will most likely get a hundred different answers. Most people would agree, however, that there is a difference. Before you start looking around for a coach, you must determine what specifically you are looking to gain from this type of relationship. Once you’ve answered this question, you’ll know whether your needs are best served by a mentor or a coach.

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I Speak…

coachLast week, we touched upon a problem many public speakers have. That problem is not knowing how to breathe correctly. Now, we all know that we are born with the ability to breathe—but to breathe correctly when speaking in public is another thing altogether. I thought it might be a good idea to share a few tips with you about correct breathing—tips you can take with you and help turn your speaking engagements into huge successes. This week, we will discuss relaxing before your speaking engagement, so these are tips to help you breathe to relax. Let’s try them out!

Deep Breathing Means Relaxing

For those who do not regularly practice deep breathing, they may not know all the health benefits. Learning how to properly deep breathe, and letting that breath fill your lungs and travel through your whole body, can help you to relax and take on anything that may be going on in your life. This is at the heart of your well-being and healthy living, so it is crucial to learn how to deep breathe properly and practice it regularly.

Breathing for Better Health

Deep breathing and learning to embrace this practice is part of healthy living and well-being. Learning to embrace it, and develop and practice breathing patterns that work for you, is a huge part of living the best life possible.

Exhale Longer Than Your Inhale

You should be letting the exhale take twice as long as the inhale to get the most out of it. This will take some practice. Take the time to take each breath in but then take twice as long to let it out so that you can really feel it throughout your whole body.

What Stress?

Stress can be easily melted away if you learn how to make deep breathing a part of your life. As you feel the stress coming on and starting to settle within your body, take the time to step away and take a few good deep breaths to allow the stress to simply melt away in no time.

What Pain? Is Pain Distracting You?

There is a reason why women in labor practice breathing exercises — it really does help with the worst pain!   By practicing deep breathing exercises, you can block out the pain and focus instead on this therapeutic exercise for your well-being.

Stretch for Well-Being

Yoga is a great part of a healthy lifestyle, not just for the exercise that it brings, but for the stretching and breathing that it incorporates. When you are stretching and focusing on your breathing, you are working on your overall well-being, and this can work wonders for your physical and mental well-being.

Breath Yourself to Energy

As you take in deep breaths, you will feel rejuvenated, and this brings natural energy to your body. Learning to take breath in the appropriate way and holding it will pour energy onto every bone and muscle in your body, which will bring you the natural energy you are seeking.

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Why Using A Ghost Writer Could Make Your Business Flourish

writingYou have all the time in the world. You can write your own blog articles. But why would you want to? This article is all about your brand—the brand of your company and how using a content writer can help your brand grow infinitely stronger. You are a business owner—you really shouldn’t be writing your own content or that book about your product. You should be running your business. Let your ghost writer build the brand and be the voice of the company…

Enhance Your Brand Image

When you use a ghostwriter, you’re able to increase the amount of content you produce, and thereby, enhance your brand image. More content equals more visibility, which ultimately results in more traffic and increased conversions. That right there is reason enough to hire a business ghostwriter.

More, More, More

When you hire a ghostwriter, you’re able to maximize productivity within your company. You no longer have to delegate writing responsibilities to employees who could be using their time better. You also don’t have to waste precious hours of your own week coming up with new ideas. A ghostwriter can pitch and write quality content for your business, allowing everyone to do what they do best.

Better Quality

Let’s be honest, you’re a business owner, not a writer. And while you probably write well enough to get by, the fact of the matter is your brand deserves a professional writer. You wouldn’t throw just anyone into the role of accountant would you? Well, then, why are you using non-writers to write your brand’s most visible content? Hiring a ghostwriter allows you to keep the same brand visibility, while leveraging higher quality work.

Speedy Turnaround

Have you ever had an idea for a blog or news article but just can’t seem to get it written and published quickly enough for it to be relevant? Well, with a ghostwriter you can drastically improve turnarounds. For the right price, you may even be able to have a piece pitched, written and published in a matter of hours. That’s invaluable when you’re trying to beat out the competition and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

It’s Cost-Effective…

Ultimately, ghostwriters are extremely cost-effective for businesses. In most cases, you’ll simply hire them as independent contractors. That means you’re not responsible for employer-provided benefits and simply pay the writer for the work they produce. Could it be easier?

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Teach…

coachWhen any of us start something new, we know that we have expectations. But is it what you really want? What is your purpose for seeing a life coach? Before you achieve anything, you should have an expectation of what you’d like to end up with. In this blog article, I’d like to explore some common goals for seeing a life coach. Let’s see if you fit the bill…

To Create Clarity

It’s highly likely that a life coach will ask you powerful questions, which help you drill down to how internal and external factors are really affecting you, enabling you to see things as they really are and not worse than they are. With this clarity, you can then move forward unhindered to achieve your goals.

To Develop a Strong Feeling of Belief in Yourself

Building strong foundations and positive belief systems within yourself will enable you to develop an unshakeable belief in yourself and your capabilities, which gives you the confidence to pursue your dreams and not be limited by the perceptions of others.

To Raise Your Standards

Life coaching teaches you the important lesson that the route to happiness is not based on the uncertainty of the external world meeting your expectations, but on the certainty that you will live by the high standards that you have set for yourself.

To Set Important Boundaries

Lowering your expectations does not mean you should be a total pushover. Life coaching helps you learn to respect yourself and demand the respect of others by setting clearly communicated boundaries and acting immediately to enforce a boundary if someone crosses it.

To Stay on the Track of Love, Not Fear

Life operates on two tracks, the track of love and the track of fear. Living in the track of fear will mean you never reach your true potential, and your life will be severely challenged. Living in the track of love will bring more positive energy into your life and allow you to focus on that which adds value to your existence.

How to Develop Focus

Many people live unfocused, unbalanced lives where they struggle to get things done and never quite get to where they want to go. Life coaching reduces those “squirrel” moments so that you stay focused and in control, which is a more helpful state of being to achieve great results.

How to Take Action

Life coaching gives you access to the rewards of taking action and making positive steps forward rather than procrastinating or being purely reactionary. You can start to make things happen rather than be passive and let things happen to you.

How to Take Personal Responsibility

Working with a life coach allows you to realize that blame, resentment, anger and other negative emotions are unhelpful, and that taking personal responsibility and being accountable will put you in a more powerful position of living a life of integrity.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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