Far long ago is the day of conventional means of earning money. Everyone should be aware already of the tricks and hacks of getting additional source of income. Well, the good news is that you do not need to look elsewhere. If you ever heard of the words brand licensing then you are one step ahead of others. If you have not yet, this is the perfect opportunity for you to understand what it really is.


Brand licensing is leasing or renting an intangible asset for a particular agreed period of time and territory. For example, a European perfume manufacturer can lease its brand name to an Asian perfume company.  Let’s look more into this topic shall we? Now, as mentioned earlier, it is a process of leasing or renting but who are the people involved in this? Of course, it is given that you or the company or person who wants to use the brand in association with the product is the first party. Of course, the next party involved is the brand company or the owner. You might have questions in your head now, those companies are already established enough so why would they want someone to lease their brand to some people? In answer to that, brand owners do this so they can extend a trademark onto products of totally different nature.


The most important thing that you have to remember in brand licensing is that it is very ideal most especially to business owners like yourself. Why, do you ask? A single answer for that is BRAND NAME. If you are a newbie in this field, then you know how hard it is to establish yourself and be known plus you are naïve on how to fully promote the product that you brand licensed. With brand licensing, you can rest assure that these things will not be your problem. When you brand license, you are entitled to have marketing assistance and support from the brand owner, trust me when I say this, this is a big help in the sense of profitability mainly because you don’t have to come up with intricate strategies to reach that high bar of sales goal also, they have the necessary manpower to do this so hiring relevant people will be in a minimal state, hence, lower investment. Secondly, sourcing out clients/customers will be less of a hassle for you because your licensed brand product will also be introduced to the market of the brand. So, just imagine brand licensing from a big and well-known company, you can even just rest and be assured that you will earn something with just a little effort. Last but not the least is knowledge transfer. Along with the brand licensing agreement is the constant feeding of information across you and the owner in regards of product development, marketing and sales. This is one big aid and stepping stone for you in the future. If you will learn these things, you might as well be able to build your own business in the same field when you are ready. It is like you are doing business while learning from much more experienced people.


These are just few of the reasons why you should do brand licensing, but, in doing so, you must learn the do’s and don’ts that are essential to be successful. Learn it from someone who personally did it victoriously.


Open this link and join her self-paced ecourse on brand licensing tips/guides that will put your personal branding on auto-pilot:

brand licensing



Have some questions for Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock about brand licensing?

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Okay, so I am quite sure you are reading this right now. That is because this could help you to doll up and wear your hijab in a stylish way. After all, who doesn’t want to look good wearing theirs right? Now, before we cut to the chase, let us all first glance and answer the following. These are the good old how, when, what, and where questions about hijab.

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Why do they put it on?

To those who don’t know, a hijab is a traditional head covering. Muslim women wear this whenever they are in the presence of men who are outside of their immediate family. This usually covers their head down to the chest. It is worn to show modesty and privacy. How Muslim women wear it in stylish ways nowadays will amaze you in so many levels.


Where and how do they wear it?

This practice is mostly abundant in Middle East countries. Let me remind you that even though these countries carry out this tradition, they wear it differently. Now if you travel to UAE (United Arab Emirates) particularly in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, you will notice that it seemed most of the women have their hair inside layered up or put into a big bun to create more volume or depth to the hijab they are wearing.

If you will go to Qatar, you will notice the similarities with UAE but a particular trend that is very popular in there was introduced by a famous royalty Her highness Sheikha Moussa. She wears a Hijab in a very conventional yet absolutely stunning way. She would wear it like a turban which only covers her head. Her style simply shouts wisdom, elegance, and beauty at the same time. There are other many countries which wear hijabs in less conservative ways and there are also ones who are stricter with their women carrying out the practice. Whatever taste they have, women will always strive and always find ways to look their best, am I the only one agreeing with this statement? Of course, you do too!


How to wear it in a sophisticated way?

Now that we know what it is for and when and where to wear it, perhaps it’s the perfect time to talk about HOW TO WEAR it in a trendy way. Oh I know you’ve been waiting for this. Okay, so here we go. We always have to remember that color matching is essential to your attires and yes this also applies to your hijabs; this is the best solution to be trendy and chic when you wear your hijab. Whenever you wear abayas, kaftans or dress you have to make sure that you chose the color of hijab which will complement whatever you are wearing. Check the samples below to see how you can make color matching be your best friend in dressing up.

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Women can always mix and match. But in this picture, you will see that even though the dress is colorful and bright, it was carefully matched with a more subtle color which was only accentuated at the top. A perfect partner for her kaftan!

Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level


Wearing Hijabs in a Whole New Level

Now, with this picture, you will see that the dress she’s wearing is gray based and full of different black patterns. We have to be constantly reminded that if your attire looks really busy with all the patterns accents and all, we should always match it with more neutral-colored hijabs to balance the look. In here she looked divine with her black hijab and eye-catching dress.

I am a firm believer that whatever outfit you choose to wear or whatever taste you have, there’s always a way that you can make it look better by selecting the ideal hijabs for that particular dress.

If you liked the hijabs from the pictures, you can see more of them from our website: http://www.princessofsuburbiausa.com/

They have a wide collection of fashionable dresses and hijabs you’d be thrilled to choose from!

For wholesale inquiries please contact our Google phone number: (615) 348-7652


I Teach…

This week, we are going to discuss something so essential that you can’t do business without it. This essential by-product of a business relationship is trust. A great relationship with a client can be a hard thing to build, but the foundation must be one of mutual trust.  There is no reason to have a poor rapport between yourself and your clients, so we are going to discuss building bridges and making relationships work. Let’s get started!


Be Professional—But Approachable

How you present yourself in your initial communications with new and potential clients is crucial to building trust. That doesn’t mean you need to be formal. An effective email is more about being relevant, brief and to the point while remaining friendly. Speak to your client in the same way you would a colleague. Depending on their style, you can keep it casual, but be sure to present yourself as the professional and business owner you are. Take the initiative.

Time Is Money

Both you and your client are busy, so be respectful of everyone’s time. That means keeping calls or meetings to the amount of time scheduled, not canceling or rescheduling last minute, not forgetting to show up or showing up late, etc. Admittedly, the more clients you have, the more difficult it gets, but also try to be flexible to their schedule when planning communications.

Communicate—And Communicate WELL!

Depending on the type of process you and your client have set up, make sure to deliver. This could be weekly check-ins or recaps via Skype, follow-up emails, monthly reports, etc. Be sure you’re communicating what it is you’ve accomplished and how it has impacted your client’s business. Clients love to see how freelancers are spending their time because every hour spent is budget spent. Make sure to keep your client in the loop.

Keep Up To Date!

If for some reason you need to let a client go or realize you’ve taken on too much work, do what you can to transition out smoothly. Finish the project whenever possible. If that’s not possible, try finding a replacement you can recommend. No one likes to be left holding the bag.

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I Speak…

One of the biggest problems we have to deal with as public speakers is clear speech. A performance can be ruined by stuttering—and even people without a history of stuttering can become afflicted with an attack of the stutters. It can be bought on by a number of things—and happens all the time. This blog article is all about preparing and dealing with this issue. If you find yourself repeating your lines, stuttering, making too many pauses—you may want to try these great tips.

Slow Down!

When your mouth spits out the words faster than your brain can process them, you tend to trip over what you want to say. Slow down and let your brain go ahead of your mouth. Think the ideas, then say them. Your audience will understand you better, and you will be much calmer in the process.

Try Reading Aloud

Reading in front of the mirror for half an hour a day is a great idea that can be done easily at home. Another way to use this tip is to simply stand in front of the mirror while you are talking on the phone. Although in this case it might be that your stutter does not disappear, but you can look at your face for particular blocks or problems that you might have when speaking.

Visualize What You Are Saying

Picture what you are going to say even before you say it. If you are speaking slowly, you will find that it will help stamp out your stuttering. Sound out the words in your head before you say them and then say them. Getting a picture of what you might want to say in your head provides you with a lot of different options. Taking your time is a much preferable option when you are trying to form a sentence. Along with this, don’t be afraid to use filler words like ‘hmm’ or ‘ahh.’ The fillers will buy you time.

Breath, Relax and Speak

Did you know that breathing properly can have many benefits? Stand up straight and breathe deeply from your belly. It gives a person a chance to relax. It also enhances overall bodily processes, therefore fostering good health. Proper breathing also enables a person to de-clutter the mind and eliminate emotional impulses. Give it a try!

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I Write…

We’ve talked at length about the importance of creating content that people can easily share and make use of. But what importance do images play when creating good content? Do images really matter? Can they increase the click rate of your article? Of course, they can—check out these great image tips to get the most out of your content!

Make Sure Your Images Are Relevant 

When you’re creating a blog or website, it’s important that the images you use are relevant to the topic. It has been said that content with relevant images get 60% more views than content without relevant images. Be careful, choose wisely and go for it!

Originality… But Not So Original People Can’t Understand

Okay, we all know that picking the right image can be tough. You need to find the right balance between clichéd images that might make your content look dated, and something too unique and obscure that will leave your visitors confused. Start with relevant and move onto interesting. Don’t be led astray by the wild ways of internet image sites.

Try to Use People…

As humans, we respond to faces, so using images of people in your content can be a simple way of boosting engagement. Choose people who are relatable to your audience, think about your content and keep the people relevant to the theme. If you are talking about working in the creative industries, don’t use an image of someone in a corporate office in a suit. Try to lead people to your content with an eye toward being exciting.

Use Images to Keep Interest

Now that we know which kind of images you need, we need to discuss something else. How many images should you include in your content? It depends on how much text you have, but as a general rule, try and insert an image every couple of paragraphs. The more images, the more you will interest the reader.

Use Good Quality Images

Don’t fall into the mistake of using poor quality images. When adding images to your blog, website or campaign, it is important that they are high resolution images that are going to look sharp and not pixelated. Seriously… the better the images, the better you will look.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Teach…

This week, we are going to look at a major problem. The issues that arise between businesses and clients that damage business relationships are one of the biggest problems you will face as you build your business. This blog identifies all the major issues—and should help you fix them. There is no reason to have a poor rapport between yourself and your clients! If you do, let’s fix it!

Not Listening

This is one of the most obvious signs of poor communication in every business relationship. Someone who always cuts off their client every time they speak can send a wrong message to that person; for example, that their opinion and their thoughts are insignificant. Try to improve your listening skills and always try to understand what your client is telling you. This is one of the best ways to prevent any misunderstanding.

Being Passive Aggressive

Passive aggressiveness is one of the most dangerous forms of communication. By using it, you can put the other person on the defensive, and in the long term, this type of behavior can affect the stability of your relationship.

Losing Your Temper Very Easily

If you have anger issues, and if you easily lose your temper, then you might have communication problems, too. Anger will not allow you to express yourself rationally, and your behavior may hurt your client’s feelings or cause them to get angry in return. Despite this, everyone is accountable for their actions and for their reactions. If you remain calm during an argument, you can discuss things rationally to sort things out and not risk damaging the relationship.

No Nagging

Yes, nagging is indeed a sign of poor communication in your business relationship.

If you constantly nag, repeating the same demands over and over, you are not communicating efficiently, and the other person will not receive the message you are trying to send. Learn straightforward communication techniques that allow the problem to be addressed productively.

Ignoring That Person

Ignoring your client is not a way to improve the communication in your relationship. Not talking to your client when you are upset over something they did is never a good solution if you want to solve the problem. Ignoring your client will only cause more problems in your relationship, and you will only sabotage yourself and your business.

Shouting, Screaming and Using Poor Language

Even if you’re upset, this doesn’t give you the right to offend or to hurt someone, especially in a professional environment. Don’t use profanities, and be respectful!

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I Speak…

One of the big differences between a great speaker and an average (or poor) speaker is performance, and part of that performance is your ability to work from notes and memorize your speech. If you have trouble remembering lines, you may want to print out this blog article and follow the steps. Knowing your speech will allow you to concentrate on performance. You should be trying to work without your script as much as possible—and if you can do that, you will be ahead of the untold thousands of “public” speakers who are glued to their visual aids. Let’s take a look at memorizing your speech.

Move to Memorize

You will memorize your lines much faster if you move around, gesture, and show emotion as you say them. Don’t just say the words, but mimic the movements you’ll be making when you deliver the words. This will help your whole body understand the lines better. Even if you’re not gesturing, just try pacing back and forth as you recite the lines. This will still be a big help.

Repeat Yourself… I Said, REPEAT YOURSELF!

Once you feel very comfortable with your lines, you should take the opportunity to applaud yourself, but don’t stop practicing. You should still repeat your lines as much as possible until they feel like second nature to you. You should keep repeating your lines until the day you must deliver them, or you may forget them by the time you give your speech.

Just Relax!

This might be the most important point on this list. You should relax while you’re memorizing your lines and before you must deliver the lines. If you don’t relax, then you’ll be more likely to forget your lines in the middle of a rehearsal or even on the big day.

Try Word Tricks

If you’re stuck memorizing your lines, try a variety of words tricks to help you fully absorb the lines. Try to use rhymes to help you remember the right words in a sentence. You can also try visualization—just try to visualize the words you will say and what feeling you will convey. If you can tap into the emotion, the words will come easily.

Just One Piece at a Time

You don’t have to memorize your lines exactly from start to finish if you have a long chunk of lines, or an entire hour’s worth of lines, to memorize. Instead, you should break down your lines into manageable parts that flow from one part to another so that you have a good grasp of all the lines eventually.

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I Write…

fear11We’ve talked at length about the importance of creating content that people can easily share and make use of. But what does that entail? What makes content worthwhile? Well… the secret is to know how to spread your content and make it noticeable. For example, a great title makes content useful. So do the right images and the trust level you have with readers. Have you wasted their time too often? Where are you sharing your content initially? Wait… why don’t we run through the list together?

Titles Matter More Than You Think!

Your title needs to be both engaging and relevant. Maybe that means making it something that hooks people from the start. But do keep in mind that there’s nothing more disappointing than being hooked by a title, only to be let down by the rest of an article. Don’t lie… but do grab.

The Right Time, The Right Place… The Right Look

There’s a science to including effective, attention-grabbing images in your blog posts to get more engagement. Did you know that if you mix text into the graphic, people are more likely to look at your image? This explains why infographics are so popular and bring such great rewards.

It’s Not You… It’s Me… I Don’t Trust Your Content

As a content sharing company, you have a hard life to lead. Did you know that you need to come off as credible and trustworthy source of information to your audience? Your readers will engage with content that seems genuine, speaks to them, and reflects your brand. You can do that by citing trustworthy sources, helping readers feel like you understand them well, or even by challenging industry norms with more enlightening ideas. Remember the old sales mantra: To sell is to help. The more you help, the more successful you will be!

Don’t Let Me Down

There’s nothing better than being able to share content with others—but finding that content is getting harder and harder. I hate to share things with my followers that are dull, misleading or boring. This should factor into the design of your content. Try to avoid putting anything together that will bore, mislead or make people regret sharing your content. You have to make sure you are not letting your audience down.

Sharing Is Loving

My advice would be to do a little research. Your goal is to find out which social channels can give you access to your designated audience. If you know that your audience hangs out on Reddit, you should most definitely share it there. Don’t be shy. Start sharing where your audience is caring.

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I Teach…

once uponWe’ve been talking about communication here for a little bit, and I would like to spend this week talking about the importance of being a “people” person. Now, that’s going to scare a few people out there. There are those of us who believe we are not “people” people. But everyone can learn to communicate with others, help others, and understand the needs of others. I’d like to look at some of the reasons communication skills are some of the most important skills a person can have.

Builds, Maintains and Creates Relations

Relationships are built and can be maintained by positive encounters with others. Communication will be key to this process – without effective skills, it will be difficult to properly construct and nurture productive relationships.

Want to Make Something AMAZING happen? Learn to Communicate

When people feel comfortable in openly communicating new ideas, cooperation and innovation will be at an all-time high. In addition, if they are unable to convey their ideas due to limited communication skills, it is likely that the idea will not be implemented to its full potential.

Growth Is Based on Communication

A lack of communication can lead to the collapse of any relationship. Let’s face it, without proper communication internally and externally, most relationships, including within groups and organizations, will struggle to survive. Communication can also lead to productivity and helps to avoid unnecessary delays in the implementation of ideas.

Looking After a Team? Communication Is KEY!

If communication within a workplace is encouraged, a more cohesive and effective team will emerge. Good communication within a team also tends to boost employee morale. When employees feel that they are well informed of the company’s direction and vision, they will feel more secure within their role. Regular internal communication can also lead to an improved work ethic if staff are reminded of achievements and feel that they are working towards a common goal.

Bad Management? Is Your Communication at Fault?

When managers are effective communicators, they are more able to inform staff adequately of their responsibilities and what is expected from them. Good communication skills also help managers to provide constructive feedback to their staff, build better relationships, and understand personal goals that staff may wish to work towards. Try it—it works!

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Speak…

sleepMany studies have suggested that repetition can have a positive effect on someone’s agreement with an argument. It may be important for you to learn the art of repetition—because like any skill it can be done right, but it can also be done wrong. If you are going to repeat yourself to make your point, you have to learn how to pose your repetition to create an impact. Let’s see how you can make it work…

Change the Way You Say It!

Although repetition can be successful as a persuasion strategy, subtlety can be as important as the frequency and intensity of the message. Rather than repeating the same words and phrasing throughout the course of an argument, finding more than one way to make the same argument repeatedly can be a more effective approach. The reader or listener is likely to respond more positively to the same argument stated several ways rather than having the same message shoved down his throat over and over.

How Often Do You Do It?

The use of repetition in a persuasive argument can be effective if the argument is constructed in such a way that the repetition is spread out over a period of time. The use of repetition over the long course of an argument, written or spoken, creates a greater familiarity with the message and leads to gradual agreement if the intensity of repetition is gradual itself. Too much repetition in a short span of time or space can actually defeat the very purpose of gradual acceptance by creating a stronger aversion to the argument. All repetition should be carefully spaced at equal or similar intervals throughout the argument.

How Much Do You Do It?

In speeches or other spoken arguments that are highly emotional in nature, frequent repetition of key emotionally charged phrases can be effective. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech” often is cited as one of the primary examples of the success of such repetition. However, it may be effective in messages of this nature only because of the already emotional nature of the issue. Such techniques in sales and marketing may have the opposite effect — turning off the consumer — if not approached carefully.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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