It’s Warrior Wednesday: The Road to Success Requires Some “Housecleaning”

           Warrior Wednesday: The Road to Success Requires Some “Housecleaning.”
housecleaning is never easy
I woke up this morning thinking about the word “housecleaning”. What does it entail and what does it have to do with living and walking in the fullness of our destiny?

Housecleaning – The removal of unwanted or superfluous items, practices, conditions, or personnel. Another definition which I found to be interesting is this: the act of improving or reforming by weeding out excess or corrupt personnel or of revising methods of operation (
Housecleaning means cleaning toxic things and people out of your life
  “Housecleaning will often mean you being ready to clean out the
    toxic habits, people in your life. Are you ready?”
~ Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock

I welcome you to the rest of your life where everything visible and invisible is possible! In literal terms, house cleaning is not usually a fun event. If you are like me, there have been times when you just don’t feel like dealing with cleaning your house; unless of course if you have a compulsive disorder which compels you to constantly clean your environment. At any rate, it is crucial that we take a look at who we are, what we have accomplished thus far, mistakes made in the past but most importantly, what do we perceive as our pay off when we steer our lives in the wrong direction? In life, we are usually driven by two emotions, pain or pleasure.

As part of cleaning your “house”, you are also required to get your minds ready for extensive stretching and education. I urge you to keep the following words in your fore-front as you progress on this journey; begin to ask yourself these questions “ what do these words mean to me? How would I define them?”

Innovation                            Dreams           Vision                 Ignite
Harness                                   Torch             Road-map         Blueprint

 Innovation ~ The introduction of something new. That is, a new idea, method or way of doing things. In addition, it can also refer to an improvement to something already in existence Merriam-Webster (, 2013). Innovators generate and execute dreams.

It is never easy to get remove those things or people we have become accustomed to; even when we know they are toxic to the habits are toxic to our lives. But before we can really see the fullness of our destination, it is imperative that we do the following:

(1). Acknowledge that we are not perfect human beings and that is OKAY!
(2). Acknowledge that because we are not perfect, we will always make mistakes. This is what molds and shapes our character.
(3). Understand that we need others too but our dream makers to make things happen for us.
(4). Understand that we are a big factor in the manifestation of that which we desire. We must participate.
(5). Participation will often begin with accessing the habits we have that can deter us from succeeding and then getting rid of them.
(6). That there may be some toxic relationships we have right now that may hinder our progress. REMOVE THEM IMMEDIATELY.
(7). Be in total submission to the process of life and give yourself permission to prosper.

(1) Take this time to jot down all the ideas you have ever had. Remember, no idea or thought is silly.

(a). Those ideas that you considered a total bust. That is, a failure:

(b). Those ideas in which you enjoyed marginal success:

(c ). Those ideas where you succeeded and considered it a slam dunk! That is, your success was incredible:

(d). Those ideas you have yet to accomplish:

All of these will require innovative thinking, lots of meditation, prayers, and focus. For more on this topic, see Your Vision Torch (page 21).
Your, Vision, Torch, Fumi, Hancock, Best, Selling, Book
Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, MA, DNP.
Nurse-writer, Speaker, & Transformation Expert
Success Blueprint for Your Inner You

The Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle TV Show featuring segments of the Southern Warrior Sisters is going main stream. Check Out Airing Times and which markets at:

(c) Copyright 2015~ Princess of Suburbia (R)~ Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock


Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, live, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe.