Writing content is a little bit like being a sales person. You must think strategically. What does your target audience want? Why are they surfing the internet? What are they searching for? Do you have the right product and/or idea for these people? What is the decision breaker? Who is the decision maker? There’s a lot of thinking that goes into putting together the right content, for the right audience, for the right company. Let’s take a look at some of the initial steps.
The brainstorming process is not the time to be in a hurry. Grab a journal and a pen and go on a walk. Watch the wind. Give yourself permission to be a little lazy. Creativity requires relaxation. When you relax, your mind can wander, to jump around to lots of different ideas, to make strange, serendipitous connections. Take the pressure off yourself to come up with the perfect idea.
Come Up with a Lot of Ideas
Choosing the next project is a negotiation between your skills, your ambition, your audience, and your soul.
What can you write?
What content would help me if I were my customer?
What does my audience want to read?
What do I need to achieve from this content??
Surprise yourself. Don’t censor your ideas! Write your ideas on a piece of paper.
Kill the Wrong Ideas, But Do Not Say They Are Bad!
This is the most important step. Kill the ideas that aren’t as relevant as others to your main theme and continue to think up new ones as you go.
Ask Your Audience
It’s easier to finish your content writing project if you believe a greater awareness wants you to write it. As I consider my list of ideas, I always go to my audience and ask them questions. “Should I write about this?” If my audience says, “No,” I don’t write about it. Sooner or later, I stumble on an idea my audience says “yes” to. This sounds strange, but asking others is the key to success. Learn!
Second Guess Yourself
If you’ve gone through all the steps above, it’s okay to get started now. Do a little research. Start writing an article. But while still in the initial stages, before you fully commit to an idea, second guess yourself. Is this really the content I should be working on? Is there a better idea lurking within this one? If I’m going to abandon my project, I’d rather do it at the beginning, before I’ve invested a lot of time.
And Once You’ve Chosen…
Before you can say “yes” to one idea, you have to say “no” to a lot of ideas. Most of this process is about saying “no” to ideas. However, once you’ve chosen, you have to commit. There will be times when finishing your blog seems stupid, painful, and not worth your time. This whole process is about developing the faith in your idea that you will need to get through the doubt that will come in the middle.
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More blog articles at www.yourinneryou.com
Dear Princess Column at: www.sentimentalnursewriter.com
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