#Infrastructure is essential for a nation’s economic and social development, as it facilitates #trade, #communication, #education, #health, and #security. Therefore, investing in infrastructure projects can help Nigeria #improve its competitiveness, #productivity, and quality of life.
Infrastructure projects between Nigeria and other countries:
#Power and energy: With only roughly 60% of the population connected to the grid, Nigeria has one of the lowest rates of electricity access in the entire globe. The nation’s reliance on fossil fuels, particularly gas and oil, for #electricity generation leaves it susceptible to changes in the price of these resources and environmental problems. Nigeria also experiences low voltage and frequent power outages, impacting people’s living and productivity standards. On the other hand, some nations have invested in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro to diversify their energy sources and lessen their carbon footprint. For instance, Morocco constructed the world’s largest concentrated solar power plant, supplying electricity to more than a million people. South Africa has also launched wind and solar projects, accounting for about 10% of its electricity generation.
#Transportation: Nigeria boasts a vast and varied land area, but its transportation system requires better upkeep and development. Of the 200,000 kilometers of roads in the nation, only about 25% are paved. The road #network is congested, unsafe, and prone to damage from floods and erosion. The rail system has only about 4,000 kilometers of tracks, most narrow gauge, so it needs to be updated and used. Nigeria has 32 airports, and only five are up to par with international standards. The maritime industry must be developed with restricted port capacity and security. In contrast, some nations have invested in effective transit networks, like expressways, metro lines, and high-speed trains. For example, China has the world’s largest high-speed rail network, with over 35,000 kilometers of tracks, which can transport passengers and goods at speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour.
#Telecommunications: With over 140 million mobile phone subscribers and 85 million Internet users, Nigeria has a large and growing Internet and mobile phone user population. Due to frequent network outages, expensive data plans, and restricted broadband coverage, these services still require improvement in quality and affordability. According to the ICT Development Index, the nation is ranked 131st out of 176. On the other hand, some countries have developed and reasonably priced telecommunications networks. For instance, with an average internet speed of 28.6 megabits per second—roughly four times faster than the global average—South Korea leads the world in internet speed.