An underlying disease is not always connected to anxiety. It can be caused by stress, trauma, personal problems, serious medical condition, side effects from medications, alcohol & drug consumption, or lack of oxygen. But sometimes, it may be related to underlying conditions like panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, drug and alcohol withdrawal, bipolar disorder, or agoraphobia.

Anxiety appears differently for each individual, and each has its own set of symptoms, but all anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive, unreasonable fear and dread. For one person, it might have the biggest influence on their social life. At the same time, someone else may feel physical symptoms—some other people with an anxiety disorder experience intense anxiety for more than six months.

If you are struggling with Anxiety and affecting your daily life or you know someone experiencing it, please call a doctor immediately so that they can refer them to the right institution and help them assess what they are dealing with right now.

Call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Book your appointment at: https://provider.kareo.com/dr-stephanie-fumi-hancock and https://provider.kareo.com/shawn-dugan-1

Visit our websites for more details: www.pobpsychiatry.com OR www.drfumipsychdnp.com

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological and behavioral condition. Its symptoms may include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams about the events, mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, changes in a person’s thinking and feelings, and an increase in the fight-or-flight response.

These symptoms persist for more than a month following the event. Young children are less likely to exhibit distress and may instead express their memories through play. Suicide and intentional self-harm are more likely in people who have PTSD.

If you know someone struggling with PTSD please call a doctor immediately, so that they can refer them to the right institution and help them assess what they are dealing with right now.

Call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Book your appointment at:



Visit our websites for more details: www.pobpsychiatry.com OR www.drfumipsychdnp.com

5 Tips for Mental Health

Emotional health is one aspect of mental health. It is a state of positive psychological functioning. It can be thought of as an extension of mental health; it’s the “optimal functioning” end of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make up both our inner and outer worlds.

We listed 5 Tips to help you maintain your Emotional Health.

1. Create and maintain a healthy daily routine.

2. Be aware of the amount of news you are watching and reading.

3. Set reasonable expectations for yourself.

4. Stay connected to family and friends.

5. Get time for yourself and breathe.

If you’re still feeling anxious about your mental and emotional health. You can call or book an appointment with our service provider listed below.

☎☎☎call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Book your appointment at:



Visit our websites for more details: www.pobpsychiatry.com OR www.drfumipsychdnp.com

What is ADHD? What are the Symptoms & How can they be treated?

ADHD is a condition that makes it difficult to pay attention. As a result, you may experience difficulties focusing, getting organized, and completing tasks. They may act first without thinking, and it may cause you to be more active than others.

The most common symptoms of ADHD in adults are attention problems and hyperactivity. People with ADHD often find it hard to finish tasks, keep relationships, focus their attention, remember things, pay attention, and think before they act.

ADHD can be treated in many ways like medicine, behavioral treatment, counseling, or combinations of the said treatments.

☎☎☎ Call us now at (520) – 333- 4949 Visit our websites for more details: www.pobpsychiatry.com OR www.drfumipsychdnp.com

Daily Vision Nuggets #1 Your path does not have to make sense to everyone!

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