Monthly Archives: January 2022
Wellness Wednesday: Finding Relief During National Stress Awareness Month

This last year has added a lot of stress on all of us.
April is National Stress Awareness Month so there I no better time to serve as a reminder that we don’t have to live under so much stress.
But how can you get some relief?
The four’s Xavier Hershovitz spoke with Dr. Stephanie Fumi Hancock, PsychDNP, the CEO of Pool of Bethesda Psychiatric Health, and a bestselling author of 24 self-help books.
Continue Reading here → Wellness Wednesday: Finding Relief During National Stress Awareness Month
DON’T STRESS! Doing Your Best in Times of Crisis

Since the global insurgence of COVID-19, I’ve seen a sharp increase in the number of patients engaging in mental health practice to help with stress and anxiety related to the pandemic.
In addition to my regular patient population, I’m seeing an increasing number of patients from corporate work settings and small business owners reaching out for tools on managing their stress in these trying times.
Forbes reported that a 2019 study found that 76% of respondents said workplace stress had a negative impact on their personal relationships; 66% have lost sleep due to work-related stress; and 16% have quit jobs because stress became too overwhelming.
Continue Reading here → DON’T STRESS! Doing Your Best in Times of Crisis
The Half-baked Narcissist in Your World: How to Outsmart, Rebuild, and Live After Encountering a Genocidal Sociopath (Trauma to Recovery™ series Book 2)

Good morning family. Happy New Year to you.
My mission for #2022 and I need your help.
I have been In Mental Health and Social work fields for over 30 years and a little over 3 years ago opened my clinics here in Arizona. God has been great. It is truly rewarding though very challenging to see the rise of mental illness even amongst my fellow nurses.
During this pandemic, my patients, as well as clinicians, have been coming to ask me questions about narcissistic personalities. So I finally took them up on their recommendations – to write a book on it.
Please first join me in thanking God as frankly, this was the most difficult book I have written. I have successfully written 24 books with 17 being bestsellers. But boyThis one tested me in ways you cannot even imagine.
First I had to really check myself to ensure that I was capable of doing justice to this subject.
Then, I had to figure out if this was a topic I wanted to take on especially in this atmosphere going on in America. At the end of the day, I needed to follow my calling as a board-certified psychiatric mental health Dr of nurse practice.
My ask? Can you please share with others? Can you pick up one while you gift another? We just never know who needs this. There has been so much focus on politics while several personality disorders are being paraded and attention is not paid to people who are truly suffering mentally. We need more awareness.

The preorder for the ebook is out. I want to focus on pushing that before the softcover and the accompanying journal are released.
Thank you.
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