The One Thing You Must Do In The New Year That’s Better Than Making Resolutions

It won’t set you up for failure.

When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, it’s easy to make a bunch — you’ll pay off all your credit card debt and finish writing that book. But you then find yourself not achieving any of them. That’s why intentions are better than resolutions for 2022. YouGov found that approximately one in four Americans said they made New Year’s resolutions for 2020 and about half of the respondents said they kept actually kept some of them. So why is it so easy to break our resolutions, which are like promises to ourselves? [Can we get to the topic of our story early on in this first graf? We need to include our SEO key words and topic of intentions being better than resolutions.]

Continue Reading here → The One Thing You Must Do In The New Year That’s Better Than Making Resolutions

If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder

If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder

It may be more than winter blues.

With temperatures dropping and the days getting darker sooner, you may find it’s affecting your mood — and you may not feel like leaving the house as much either. Maybe you think it’s just a case of winter blues. The cause might also be something a bit more serious, like seasonal affective disorder (SAD). According to the Cleveland Clinic, this condition is exactly what it sounds like, a “depression that gets triggered by a change in seasons, usually when fall starts.” And it gets worse in the winter. But, thankfully, when spring arrives, SAD typically ends.

Continue Reading here → If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder @ THEZOEREPORT

If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder

It may be more than winter blues.

With temperatures dropping and the days getting darker sooner, you may find it’s affecting your mood — and you may not feel like leaving the house as much either. Maybe you think it’s just a case of winter blues. The cause might also be something a bit more serious, like seasonal affective disorder (SAD). According to the Cleveland Clinic, this condition is exactly what it sounds like, a “depression that gets triggered by a change in seasons, usually when fall starts.” And it gets worse in the winter. But, thankfully, when spring arrives, SAD typically ends.

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Health care worker makes her plea

Watching the news, speaking with my patients, and even just listening to random strangers converse, I’m saddened by what I’m hearing. My perspective is different than most.

You see, I grew up in southwestern Nigeria, the Emure-Ekiti kingdom where my family, the Adumori royal dynasty has ruled since about 1200 AD. As an African princess living in diaspora, I have seen firsthand what it’s like when people don’t have access to adequate medical care. People in Africa and other parts of the world are dying from a lack of necessities like food and water, yet here in America, we are blessed to have access to a miracle of modern science that can save your life. It’s mindboggling and irritating that people are so against this vaccine.

Continue Reading here → Health care worker makes her plea at Las Vegas Sun

8 Tips to Help Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the days get shorter and the sunsets earlier, many people will experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which brings on symptoms of depression. What can you do to feel better?

Dr. Fumi Stephanie Hancock, PsychDNP, is the CEO of POB Psychiatric Health and a bestselling author of 24 self-help books. Below are her tips to help manage SAD.

Read more at 8 Tips to Help Seasonal Affective Disorder at getfitnow