Survivor Bestselling Author, DR. PRINCESS FUMI HANCOCK, Creator of FEARLESS VISIONARIES introduces her other Fearless Visionaries to the world.

OFFICIAL LAUNCH WAS MARCH 2019. #Secrets #Uncovered
Resilient. Ambitious. Tenacious. Courageous. Amazing. Selfless. Passionate. Brilliant. Caring. Radiant. Loyal. Focused. Determined. Generous. Assertive. Strong-willed. Compassionate. Helpful. Inspiring. Insightful. Valuable. Genuine. Strong.
These are a few words, which describe the incredible women who have experienced horror, looked terror in the eyes and are ready to tell their truth to impact the world.
There I was at the edge of the Verrazano Bridge, New York U.S.A, in my car with my foot on the pedal ready to end it all. All my money was gone, my family’s house was gone, businesses were stolen from underneath me, and life, as I had known it in America, was over! A husband whom my family and I had invested in – the person I thought would forever have my back instead shamed me and left me with nothing!
I was left wholly broken, physically depleted, emotionally and financially drained! This African princess is full of guilt, shame and the reality of a failed life, one I dared not unleash on my royal family.
We Have Been Silent Long Enough!
Gang-rape, Sodomy, Brutal Female Genitalia Mutilation, Social Injustice, Kidnapped on a Foreign Soil… These are Few of the Horrific Atrocities Exposed, When These Wounded Yet Thriving Visionaries Blow the Leadoff Their Stories of Resiliency, Relentless Determination, and Unyielding Strength.
^These Fearless Visionaries Tear the Veil with Award-winning, bestselling author, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, DNP.
^Expect to be awakened as the fierce power of woman is revealed, and the battle cry of her story is heard globally.
^These stories will rehab your vision, ignite your passion, turbocharge your life purpose, and refuel your destiny.
^Every mother, daughter, aunt, wife, and sister friend need to own Fearless Visionaries™: Tear the Veil™
^May our audience find their voices, the courage to speak up and stand in their own truth.
For details on Fearless Visionaries and our world tour, please log on to:
Join the #FearlessVisionaries #TeartheVeil movement today at: https://theprincessofsuburbia.com/fearless-visionaries-authors