Welcome, Let’s Deliver your Vision with Storyteller Bistro™

Hello my wonderful visionaries,
Welcome to the Storyteller Bistro™ blog, designed to keep you updated with my latest insights and discoveries to aid you in delivering your story. If you have any topics or questions you would like me to address I would be more than happy to answer you, just drop me an email: contact@storytellerbistro.com.
It is my goal to take you from where you are right now to get you where you desire to be, to deliver your vision and help you tell your story. So let’s get right into it…
Firstly, I want you to pause. Rethink the steps you are taking right now. Where’s your destination? Where will your next step take you? What’s currently missing that’s preventing you from success? Pick out your most beautiful notebook and write down your answers to these questions, don’t forget to date the page so you can refer back to it and see how far you’ve come. Together we will take your vision to the next level.
Today I want to start thinking differently on how you might make your vision a success. How you might deliver that vision. I want you to start thinking about giving birth to that vision.
I want you to carry your vision to term and birth it without any accidents.
Just like birthing your own children you are stretched to the maximum when you are delivering your child. You conserve your energy through your pregnancy until it is time to give birth to that child. Such is the case when you are birthing your destiny. Likewise, when you are birthing a divinely orchestrated vision: your mind is stretched and your heart is extended.
On the day that is destined to give birth to this baby called vision you must push past your body, your mind and the lies your enemy would whisper in your ears.
Push through the sarcasm of people around you, those who have told you that you will never make it; you must push through the ones who are constantly putting barriers ahead of your vision and push through your own mind which is hounding you with thoughts telling you that you are not worthy of such great gifts.
I dare you to push through and birth your dream.

This is the case for birthing your vision. So, if you’re frustrated or overwhelmed, in danger of giving up your dream. I dare you to push.
You are just one event away from making it. From making that dream come true. From becoming a writer, a singer, you are one event away from becoming that which you know has already been established and now you are just waiting for the manifestation. So push. Let me help you push.
This is just the beginning of our journey together. I need you to be inspired, be motivated, be of sentimental value and of course be authentic in everything you do.
Until next time, I dare you to deliver that vision. Write down your thoughts and feelings right now. Do you feel empowered to deliver your vision? Feel confident. I believe in you.

Dr. Princess Fumi .S. Hancock, M.A., Ph.D., DNP.