Thank you!

Storyteller bistro Magazine launch 27.09.2017 9am CST

Yesterday morning was indeed one of the best launch parties that I ever had. I would like to thank everyone who watched live on facebook and the ones who participated and attended. You are all AWESOME! We were all excited to see you all! Please stay tuned as we give highlights of the launch in the next 5 days. We are so thankful to you all that’s why we would like to give you all a gift, everyone please brace yourselves as we have created a lot of great deals for our major master classes!

Simply go to to find out!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Welcome, Let’s Deliver your Vision with Storyteller Bistro™

Hello my wonderful visionaries,

Welcome, Let’s Deliver your Vision with Storyteller Bistro™



Hello my wonderful visionaries,

Welcome to the Storyteller Bistro™ blog, designed to keep you updated with my latest insights and discoveries to aid you in delivering your story. If you have any topics or questions you would like me to address I would be more than happy to answer you, just drop me an email:

It is my goal to take you from where you are right now to get you where you desire to be, to deliver your vision and help you tell your story. So let’s get right into it…

Firstly, I want you to pause. Rethink the steps you are taking right now. Where’s your destination? Where will your next step take you? What’s currently missing that’s preventing you from success? Pick out your most beautiful notebook and write down your answers to these questions, don’t forget to date the page so you can refer back to it and see how far you’ve come. Together we will take your vision to the next level.

Today I want to start thinking differently on how you might make your vision a success. How you might deliver that vision. I want you to start thinking about giving birth to that vision.

I want you to carry your vision to term and birth it without any accidents.

Just like birthing your own children you are stretched to the maximum when you are delivering your child. You conserve your energy through your pregnancy until it is time to give birth to that child. Such is the case when you are birthing your destiny. Likewise, when you are birthing a divinely orchestrated vision: your mind is stretched and your heart is extended.

On the day that is destined to give birth to this baby called vision you must push past your body, your mind and the lies your enemy would whisper in your ears.

Push through the sarcasm of people around you, those who have told you that you will never make it; you must push through the ones who are constantly putting barriers ahead of your vision and push through your own mind which is hounding you with thoughts telling you that you are not worthy of such great gifts.

I dare you to push through and birth your dream.



This is the case for birthing your vision. So, if you’re frustrated or overwhelmed, in danger of giving up your dream. I dare you to push.

You are just one event away from making it. From making that dream come true. From becoming a writer, a singer, you are one event away from becoming that which you know has already been established and now you are just waiting for the manifestation. So push. Let me help you push.

This is just the beginning of our journey together. I need you to be inspired, be motivated, be of sentimental value and of course be authentic in everything you do.

Until next time, I dare you to deliver that vision. Write down your thoughts and feelings right now. Do you feel empowered to deliver your vision? Feel confident. I believe in you.


Dr. Princess Fumi .S. Hancock, M.A., Ph.D., DNP.

Master Your Millions™ With GOD: Another Successful Retreat Wrapped-Up!

Master Your Millions™ With GOD: Another Successful Retreat Wrapped-Up!

Having recently arrived home from yet another successful retreat, I thought I would give you an update on how it all went: Amazing of course!!! Take a look:

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for attending and all my wonderful, powerful, speakers, I’m talking to you:

The three-day retreat took place at the fabulous Hyatt Place, Franklin, Tennessee with delegates jumping on planes to attend from across the USA.

We kicked off with religious workshops to encourage self-discovery and success through God, led by myself, Dr. David and Pastor Leighann. After a delicious lunch, we entered the exciting realms of marketing with our expert speakers Dan, Rachel, Markeith and Dr. Aikyna.

Our evening session entailed the Sister Tribe Leaders holding a round-table discussion followed by much-anticipated networking time; where my fearless visionaries came together to share their ideas and build their networks (essential for success!).

The second day furthered the idea of moving forward to success with the help of religion in the form of prayer. We held an insightful question and answer session with Dr. David and I; during which we had plenty of laughs and gave everyone a sneak peek into our eventful lives!

Flerida then gave an interesting workshop on investing in real estate – unveiling some golden tips to help us on our way to making the big bucks! Attendees then took to the floor to share how they are mastering their brilliance and their millions, with some fabulous idea sharing and discussion between the whole group.

Prophet Solomon led the afternoon’s events and the following day with insightful workshops on prophetic influence and prophetic activation in terms of business and career success.

The most unforgettable evening was of course the Forma Gala held on Saturday! I had a wonderful time getting to know everyone, discussing visions and learning from their experiences. We had some fantastic storytelling and I hope to see everyone again at the next retreat. If you would like to hear about my upcoming retreats, simply subscribe to my mailing list by clicking here.

Here are just a few of the many testimonials we received after the retreat:

“The setting and atmosphere was excellent. It was beautiful!!” – Christa Lee

 “I’m so thankful for everything that she [Princess Fumi] has outpoured this weekend. I am so thankful for all of the speakers that came out to speak.” – Patricia Osburn

 “Dr Princess Fumi led us into a more intimate realm in experiencing the holy spirit in our own way but in a corporate setting. So the intimacy of the room and the atmosphere was set for healing and deliverance. ” – Linda D Lee

“This seminar is a boost of energy.” – Gloria

“The whole retreat was a blessing from beginning to end.”– Tessa L Hall

Women Entrepreneurs from around the World: The Current Billionaires

Women Entrepreneurs from around the World: The Current Billionaires

As some of you may know my new book, The Billion Dollar Dreamer, is soon to be launched! This is a very exciting time for me and really got me thinking about the women entrepreneurs who have worked hard and claimed their dreams. The women who inspire me to be the best I can be every day. When you visit the Forbes world billionaires list it really hits home that women entrepreneurs are not only few and far between but also little-known names.

Has anyone heard of Liliane Bettencourt? No? Well, let me tell you… Liliane is the first lady on the Forbes World’s Billionaires list! In 1907 Liliane inherited her father’s cosmetics empire and in 2017 her net worth is $39.5 billion dollars!

It’s interesting to go through the Forbes list and take a look at each person’s ‘self-made score’: a ‘self-made score’ of one indicates that their fortune was completely inherited and a score of ten tells us that they are a self-made success.

The first woman entrepreneur you will find who is recognised as ‘self-made’ is Rafaela Aponte. Rafaela met Gianlugi, a ferry ship captain who soon became her husband, and together in the early 1970s they launched Mediterranean Shipping, MSC, with just $5,000 and a ship to transport goods between Europe and Africa.  Together they are self-made successful entrepreneurs, but are there any women entrepreneurs featured on the list who have made it on their own?



Scrolling right down (straight past far too many faces of aging white men) to number 186 we find Zhou Qunfei, founder and CEO of Lens Technology. Zhou is a self-made billionaire, and her story is film-worthy…at sixteen she dropped out of school and started working in a factory, using her evenings to attend classes such as accounting and fire safety at her local university. Using the little money she made at the factory she founded her own company making watch lenses in 1993. Just a decade later, Motorola got in touch with her to help them develop a scratch-proof glass for its new phone. Following her successful work with Motorola other phone companies contacted Zhou for her expertise. In 2017, Zhou has 32 factories and employs more than 90k staff. She is the most successful woman entrepreneur on the Forbes list with her net worth at $7.4 billion.

The next self-made female billionaire is once again part of a husband and wife team that together co-founded a business which you may have heard of…Little Ceasar’s Pizza! After marrying in 1954, Marian and Michael Ilitch co-founded the renowned chain in 1959. Michael sadly passed away in early 2017, the family’s net worth is currently over $6 billion. The family currently come in at number 239 on the Forbes billionaires list.

Jumping down to Pollyanna Chu, listed at number 334, she is a self-made billionaire independent of her family’s hotel and casino business which could have easily supported her financially. Instead she has tripled her wealth in the last two years by launching her own financial group. Pollyanna is named as one of Forbes top 100 power women of 2016, ranking at number 42 and her net worth is currently at almost $5 billion. Pollyanna is a real inspiration as she refused to take the easy road of taking on her family’s business, instead she has truly made a name for herself.



Be inspired to make a name for yourself, visit the Forbes world billionaires’ list. You will not only be inspired by the women entrepreneurs but also by the stark reality that the list is predominantly made up of older, white males. This short blog post was designed to give you a snapshot into the list of female billionaire visionaries and now I want to call upon you to deliver your vision, whether that’s to be a self-made billionaire or to write your own novel. As your vision midwife, I want to help you push to successfully deliver your vision, let me help you, sign up for my email insights and stay inspired. We can do this together.

Free webinar: One sure fire way you can use writing to advance your business into a multi-million dollar empire

Hello wonderful people and happy Monday to you all!

Free webinar: One sure fire way you can use writing to advance your business into a multi-million dollar empire

Hello wonderful people and happy Monday to you all!

I am very excited to announce my FREE webinar to celebrate the launch of the all-new Storyteller Bistro. We will be unveiling the new learning platform and giving you a free masterclass taster where I will reveal the secret to advancing your business venture through writing – Don’t delay, sign up below!

If you really want to know how to master and tame your writing, this free webinar lays it all out for you!

Here’s just a sample of what I’ll cover during this incredible webinar:

  • What type of writing will further your business? How do they work?
  • How do I succeed in using writing as a business venture?
  • Where can I find an idea that will cost less than 99 cents to start a business venture?
  • How do I use this idea to work on building a business?
  • How do I turn this less than 99 cents idea into a simple, paid business venture?
  • Is there an inexpensive way of implementing this million-dollar worth idea?
  • How do you set up a creative business venture
  • Where do I find video, marketing and distribution strategies to enhance my business?
  • What is the best way to build visibility in my business?
  • Can I build an empire on writing?

…and much, MUCH More!

Success Factors: The First Golden Step Before Goal Setting

Success Factors: The First Golden Step Before Goal Setting

On your journey to success there are many things you need to consider before you find your unique calling. Here is a key success factor you need to know at the start of your journey; before even thinking about finding your passion and your mission in life, career or business. In this blog post we will be discussing one of my recent podcasts and considering how will you set a goal when you’re not even sure what your purpose is.

The Success Factor: Understanding your Inner Star Power

For you to be able to set a goal you must understand that there is an inner star power that lies inside of you. You will not be able to set any concrete, attainable, feasible goal until you are able to understand your personal inner star power.

What is Inner Star Power?

Your inner star power is that genius in you, it’s what sets you apart from anyone else out there. Your inner star power is that uniqueness that you have, that area of brilliance that you have that no one else on this earth can contend with. Your inner start power is that place you need to tap into.



How do you Tap into that Inner Star Power and How is it a Success Factor?

To tap into your inner star power you need to start asking yourself these essential questions…Who are you? Who do you hope to be? How do you want others to see you?

If I met you on the street, how would you introduce yourself to me? What do you want to be known for? What is your area of brilliance?

It will be impossible for you to be able to truly set goals if you cannot answer those questions.

If you died today, how would you want your eulogy to read? What would you want people to say about you?

Once you figure out the answers to these questions it will become easy for you to set goals; whether they are life goals, relationship goals, career or business goals.



So, who are you? What do you want to be known for?

The number one golden step on your road to success is answering these questions. Figuring out a clear and defined answer is the success factor.

Don’t just say “I’m a nurse practitioner”, “I’m a mother”, “I’m an entrepreneur”, these are just the elements of you, not the whole you. Who are you really? Who are you deep down in your core?

For me, I am a vision midwife. I know that I have been called to help people deliver their vision, so I am not surprised that my path took me on my route to becoming a nurse, an advanced nurse practitioner. The tools I learnt when I was practising as a nurse has enabled me to answer the call to be your vision midwife, to deliver your vision.

Join me next week for another blog update or ‘Like’ my Facebook page to stay up-to-date with my life and insights.

Take care and continue to be the AMAZING person I know you are.