After writing a book, many people want to know how one goes about publishing a book. A well-known author once said recently that “it’s no great feat to get one’s book published—it’s no great mountain to climb.” He is right, but his opinion is subjective. To you, reading this blog, it is a huge mountain to climb to get your book published. There are many paths you can take up that mountain, but it is still a huge feat.
This week we are going to look at using one of the most common paperback publishing platforms, CreateSpace. Let’s take a look at some of the basics of uploading your book to CreateSpace. You can hire a professional to do this, but more than likely you will want to do it yourself.
This might seem obvious, but a little planning can go a long way to getting best result for your book. I’m not talking about the actual writing of it – you’ve probably got that under control.
Things to think about when you’re planning your book:
Opening and setting up an account with CreateSpace
What size do you want your book to be?
Have you purchased your own ISBN? If you haven’t, don’t worry. CreateSpace will assign an ISBN to your book.
Has your book been formatted?
Now take a few minutes to think about what you’re going to need on hand to complete the publication of your book. You will more than likely want to work all of this out before you even start.
Title of the book
Author name
Series title, if applicable.
Publication date
Description: How are you going to describe your book to prospective readers?
Author biography: What are you going to tell readers about yourself?
Category: Which category are you going to assign your book? Is it inspirational? Is it a romance? What is it?
Keywords: 5 terms that you can input that will help people find your book—for example “western.”
Price: How much is your book going to be to purchase?
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