Great Blog Post on Discontentment in Life. Tag a Friend that Needs to Read this
It is Warrior Wednesday: If You Hate Your Job, It May Be Making You Sick? Find Out Why & How… “One Event can Change Your Life Forever! Could this be it?” ~ Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock
Aleksander Rubstov/Cultura/Getty Images
It is Monday morning or Tuesday or Wednesday and your alarm clock ticktock its way into your dreamland…time to get up and be ready for work. Yet, you lay in that bed looking at the clock, wishing that the time would just turn back because the truth be told, you really do not want to go to that place of work.
Welcome aboard the boredom ship! You are not alone!
“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” ? Zig Ziglar
If you hate your job, you are not alone! In 2013, Forbes released results of employee polls, which they did worldwide. According to the Gallup reports released that year, there are twice as many “actively disengaged” workers in the world as there are “engaged” workers who love their jobs. When they polled 25 million employees in 189 in different countries, 13 % of the workers feel engaged by their jobs! They defined “feeling engage” as having a sense of passion for their work, a deep connection to their employer, and as such spend their days driving innovation to move the company forward. 63% are “not engaged”, meaning they are unhappy but not drastically so. They regarded themselves as “checked out” and sleep walk through their days, and putting little energy into their work. In addition, 87% of workers worldwide who are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces are less likely to be productive (
Are you part of the statistics who hate their job? Then check this out.
Welcome to A Success Blueprint for Your Inner You and Happy Monday to YOU.
Last Spirituality & Inspirational Monday: Click Here. Get more inspiration in “SEIZE THE DAY” e-Bookhere.
Until Next time,
Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Be Authentic
Vision Thursday: Imagine an Epic Moment in Your Life…
This is Vision Thursday: Can you Imagine an Epic Moment in your life when everything changes for you? A moment which may be either painful or full of joy. Yet, it was a moment in time that you will never forget….an event which changes your life forever….Success is often found in those moments… You Can Pick Up Last Vision Thursday Message Here. (Your #1 Way to Finding Your Weapon of Power
(c) Copyright 2015~Princess Fumi S. Hancock~ The Princess of Suburbia(R)
Welcome to Warrior Wednesday: There is incredible power in our tongues. There are many ways we can sabotage our own success but through it all, there are 3 “must avoid” ways we must be aware of.
I have often been told especially by my parents to watch what I say, so not to invite “trouble” into my life. And as many times as I have heard them say it, I have defied them until….Listen Here Courtesy of Bola Thompson/ Logik Photography
On this blog/ podcast, you will find out the 3 Ways you are sabotaging your own success. And perhaps you will take heed to avoid them, so your success can finally be unleashed. regardless of the type of success you are seeking, whether you are a professional, or a business owner; we all desire to SUCCEED!
I have had the privilege of mentoring many. And throughout my mentoring, there are certain habits which hold true to those who discovered that they are self sabotaging.
Here are the 3 Ways:
(1) Using hurtful and self-defeating words against our own destiny/ life journey will only lead you to exactly what you said!
If you are constantly saying that you will never make it, well, do not be surprised if you indeed “never make it in life!” While it is real that we are struggling on a daily basis, it is important that we do not add more “drama” to what we are already going through with the words of our mouth. What happens when you speak evil on your own self?
You relinquish your power! And allow the negative forces around you to take over your life!
(2) Being prideful and haughty are fruits of self-sabotage.
When you are constantly thinking you are the only one with the answers; when you look down on others, even in your own unstable condition; all you are doing is destroying your own ability to prosper or succeed. Why? You are spending more time digging into other people’s’ business and not spending enough time understanding what may be going on in your own circumstances.
(3) Not listening to advice will only lead you on a road to self-sabotage! There is wisdom in a multitude of strong mentors advising you. And like the common saying “No man is an island”. You have spent all these years trying to do things your own way. Perhaps, it is now time to “fess up”, remove the veil/mask and let others in to help you.
“You have a Choice with our Own Words: To Speak Life or Death! It is up to you what you choose. Choose wisely, so you can move forward in what you are created to be.” TWEET QUOTE ~ Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock, RN
We must be careful to say what we mean, when we mean it and be careful to use words that will empower us and others around us. Regardless of what we may be going through in life, it is essential that we are mindful of our surroundings and learn to be the best we can, do the best we can, and allow words to heal rather than cause pain on ourselves and others around us.
Here is my question for you today~ What ways have you used hurtful words against yourself or others? Share your answers with me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
(c) Copyright 2015~Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock: The Princess of Suburbia(R)
The Bible: NIV
(Spring Hill, TN: The Princess of Suburbia (Creator Spirituality Monday), 2015)
Vision Thursday at Your Inner You: # 1 Way to Finding Your Weapon of Power
It is Vision Thursday at Your Inner You: and I am sharing the # 1 Way to Find Your Weapon of Power.
Hello Everyone,
This is an exciting topic for me as I have watched many twirl in the never-ending seas of attempting to find either their voice , their gifting, others call it true calling or passion.
Whichever way you look at it, we are all looking to BE SOMEBODY… TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE… TO BE HEARD!
Often, we look outside of ourselves and allow people to speak into our lives those things which may be contrary to what we are called to do.
Some of us, often become like the wind, wherever the wind blows that is where we are for the day.
The Key to overcoming our situation be it frustration, stress, be overwhelmed , or being confused about our future… is staying Rooted!
Be Confident! Be Bold! Be Fearless! Most of all, TELL THE REAL TRUTH and face the role you play in this situation; if you are ever going to overcome whatever you are going through now.
Read this and pass it along to others who may benefit from it.
African Oscar Winner and Best Selling Author, Princess Fumi Hancock creates an inspirational new women’s network, Southern Warrior Sister Tribe, to speak of love, faith, courage, and motivation for successful daily living.
PRLog – Feb. 11, 2015 – NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Nashville, TN — February 11, 2015— African Oscar winner and bestselling author, Princess Fumi Hancock has brought together an inspirational and powerful group of bold, fearless women to create the Southern Warrior Sister Tribe.
Through a series of workshops, radio shows, writings and personal appearances, the Southern Warrior Sister Tribe is on a mission to “change the world…one woman at a time…one story at a time” and, “lead women on a journey of self-discovery as they tear down personal veils to reveal their most vulnerable assets, taking a healing journey to self-empowerment through faith.”
Southern Warrior Sister Tribe is led by a team of five (5) dynamic women. Locally, nationally, and internationally they share their personal stories of triumph over obstacles, pains and challenges in order to empower women to recognize that we are, ‘All of sentimental value.”
Southern Warrior Sister Tribe leaders include:
• Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, DNP. African Oscar & Indiefest Film Awards Winner, Best Selling Author, Of Sentimental Value & Your Vision Torch, Speaker, Let’s Go Innovate & Founder, Adassa Adumori Foundation doing work to assist women and children in Africa
• Marlas Triplette-Sells. Co-Founder at Words of Inspiration Ministries, Author, Speaker, and Mom.
• Kim Neal. Co-managing partner at KnR Fitness, Consultant, Speaker, and Mom.
• Maxine Holt Donaldson. Domestic Violence Advocate, Owner MaxDDesigns, Speaker, Model, Actress, and Mom.
• Dawn D Totty. Award Winning Stylist, Designer, Business Owner and Mom.
• Laura Evangeline Dodd. Singer, Songwriter, Radio & Television Host, Actress, and Entertainer.
Beginning March 2015, Southern Warrior Sister Tribe leaders will guest host the Princess in Suburbia lifestyle TV show ( scheduled to launch on Nashville Broadcasting Radio and Roku.
The radio show will also begin on the Nashville Broadcasting Radio the same time.
Members of Southern Warrior Sister Tribe are available for interviews and private or public speaking engagements.
It’s Warrior Wednesday: Finding Your Authentic Voice in the most noisiest place called “earth” can be the most tasking thing to take on.
But if you have ever been frustrated and you find yourself spinning in circles, not knowing if you are doing the right thing, not sure if what you are doing right now is what you are meant to do. If you are overwhelmed by the thought of time passing by and the faster the time passes by, the farther you seem to be away from your life’s dream…. If you are overwhelmed, stressed out and feeling disconnected from your true calling and you are at a cross-road, where you either make it happen NOW or NEVER, then today’s podcast is a special message to you.
You cannot find your way to your true calling without knowing YOUR VOICE! YOUR VOICE IS A DIVINE ROAD MAP to your True Calling.
I often call this YOUR VISION TORCH…. That is, a guiding light to your life mission and destination.
On today’s episode, I explore the #1 Sure way to finding your authentic voice and let me say this, it not by making noise in your neighborhood!
(1). What is an Authentic Voice?
(2). Why is this Important to Your True Calling?
(3). How Do You Discover this?
(4). How Do You Sustain that Voice Once You Have discovered it?
All Questions which I discuss on this podcast.
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My Question for YOU:
In What ways are you honoring your authentic voice?