Cocoon to Butterfly Series: Part 1: The 3 Most Important Things Every Purpose Driven Person Must Know about their Dream Makers and Dream Breakers Before Mapping their Vision & Setting their Life Goals.
Learn what an African Princess Living in Diaspora is Doing Differently to Create a Purpose Driven Life, for those Setting Goals for 2015.
Are you tired, frustrated, stuck, overwhelmed, and discontent with the way things are going in your life? Do you have a dream you’d like to see soar; yet everything you’ve tried to do has led the opposite way?
“It is time to clean your closet”—Princess Fumi Hancock
I start with my own confession – I had no clue what a dream maker and a dream breaker meant in the beginning of my journey to becoming a writer, filmmaker, dream weaver and an entrepreneur. So, I did what everyone would most likely do… invite ALL into my space and expect them to respond to my call. And when some reacted in an unexpected manner, when they did not understand the passion I had and the love I had for writing, when I needed them to help push my passion forward and be cheerleaders and they acted the opposite way, I was perturbed, and incredibly disappointed! Rather than move forward with my passion, I was stuck trying to pull the Dream breakers into my circle of influence. After all, they were my sisters… they were my brothers… they were colleagues I had known for decades… how could they now be my Dream Breakers?
A lesson learned through it all was to quickly identify the Dream Makers versus the Dream Breakers in my life. This turned my life and my prospects around instantly! I know it will do the same for you, if you are willing to have an open mind and a receiving heart.
Here is the deal, some of you are probably stuck in a rut right now, because you are determined to place the same familiar faces into your circle of influence. You are in denial or perhaps ignorant in recognizing your dream makers versus your dream breakers. Because this is someone you love dearly, does not automatically make them your dream maker.
If you want to move to the next level; if you are tired, frustrated, disappointed, overwhelmed and discontent with where you are; if you want to figure out how to move from your state of complacency to where you want or ought to be… It is time to clean your closet! And I am not talking about a literal closet, though some of us may need that too.
As we move into a new year, we are constantly figuring out ways to start a new chapter. We know we have probably messed up but thankfully, THERE IS HOPE. So before you begin setting those goals, and before you mistakenly and abruptly hand over those goals to your dream breaker; here are 3 great tips that will help you identify the dream breakers and the dream makers in your life. And once you figure them out, make an intentional effort to consistently reach out to your dream makers more often and then bid your dream breakers good-bye, no matter how painful it may be.
DREAM MAKERS versus DREAM BREAKERS: The Battle of a lifetime for Your Destiny!
(1) Dream Makers cheer you on regardless of your inadequacies whereas your Dream Breakers will always find something wrong in the way you do things.
When you are constantly being put down and a certain person is constantly dragging your ideas through the mud; that is a clue that you are in the wrong circle.
While dream makers will not suck up to you, they are gentle like a breeze by the ocean, compassionate, and understanding. They provide constructive advice with examples you can follow without tearing you down. Dream breakers often, because of their own inadequacies and secret jealousy of you, will have difficulty finding anything good in what you do. When you consistently hang out with people who do not think twice about cutting your efforts down in guise of “loving you enough to let you know your ideas suck”; in time, you too will begin to believe that you are not valuable or your ideas are insignificant.
SOLUTION: It’s time to shift gears and move forward! It’s time to clean your closet and be rid of the “toxic” people. The season for the friendship is over. Understand that, Accept it and Move on to the bigger and better things. Remember that the great things about to happen in your life will not come in as there is toxic waste still occupying that space. The minute you free that space, watch how things will begin to fall in place.
Princess Fumi Hancock & Her Southern Warrior Sisters Launch an Inspirational Radio Talk Show. Get ready to be shaken and moved to action: