Success is a Reflection of the Risks You are Willing to Take

Every great achievement begins with a risk. If you want to create something extraordinary, you need to step out of your comfort zone and take bold steps toward your goal. Don’t fear failure—embrace the lessons it brings, and let your willingness to take risks propel you to success.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Embrace Your Feelings

“Embrace your feelings; they are valid and important parts of who you are.”

Your feelings are not weaknesses—valid and essential aspects of your identity. Embrace, express, and understand that they play a crucial role in your overall mental health. By acknowledging your emotions, you give yourself permission to heal, grow, and live authentically.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Mental Health is not a Destination, but a Journey to Self-Discovery and Healing

Mental health is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. It’s not about reaching a perfect state but about continually learning, evolving, and finding new ways to care for yourself. Embrace the journey with patience and compassion, and trust that every step brings you closer to wholeness.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Self-Compassion is the Key to a Healthy Mind and a Happy Heart

Being kind to yourself is not just about feeling good; it’s about fostering a healthy mind and a happy heart. Practice self-compassion daily—acknowledge your feelings, forgive your mistakes, and treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend. Your mental well-being depends on it.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Listening to Your Inner Voice is Crucial

“Listening to your inner voice is crucial for your mental well-being.”

Your inner voice is your guiding light—it knows what you need, even when the world is loud and chaotic. Take time to listen to it, trust it, and let it guide you toward peace and clarity. Tuning into your inner self is essential for maintaining mental well-being and living a life true to yourself.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Take Time to Nurture Your Mind and Soul

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Make time to care for your mind and soul through meditation, journaling, or simply relaxing. Nurturing your inner self is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Prioritize your mental well-being, and everything else will fall into place.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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It’s Okay To Take A Break From The World

In a world that often demands too much, remember that it’s okay to step back and recharge. Your peace of mind is invaluable, and sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to pause, breathe, and simply be. Prioritizing your well-being is not selfish; it’s essential. Take that break—you deserve it.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizonaareas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Nurturing your mind

“Nurturing your mind is as important as nurturing your body; both deserve care.” Just as you take time to care for your physical health, your mental well-being needs attention, too. A healthy mind fuels a healthy life, giving you the strength to face challenges and embrace joy.

Whether through mindfulness, rest, or seeking support, make self-care a priority. Remember, true wellness comes from balancing the care of both your body and mind. Treat them with the love and respect they deserve.


If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Your Mental Health Journey is Valid

Healing is not a race, and there’s no one-size-fits-all path to well-being. Honor your progress, no matter how slow it may seem. What matters most is that you keep moving forward, even if it’s just one small step at a time.

Your journey is uniquely yours, and it’s okay to go at the speed that feels right for you. Be patient with yourself and trust the process.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Success is Built on a Foundation of Persistent Effort and Unwavering Belief

“Success is built on a foundation of persistent effort and unwavering belief.” The road to achieving your dreams isn’t always easy, but every step forward brings you closer to your goal. It’s the daily commitment to your vision, the resilience in the face of challenges, and the belief in your abilities that lay the groundwork for your success.

Don’t be discouraged by setbacks; see them as opportunities to grow stronger. Keep pushing, keep believing, and know that your persistent efforts will pay off in the end.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Great Achievements Require Great Risks; Dare to Make Them

Great achievements often come from taking great risks. In the moments of daring, we push beyond our comfort zones and discover our true potential. Be bold and take the leap, even if the path seems uncertain. Every step toward your dreams requires courage and a willingness to face the unknown.

Remember, bold decisions lead to the most rewarding outcomes. Embrace the challenges and trust in your ability to overcome them. Success isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey and the risks you take along the way.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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You Are Resilient, Capable, and Worthy

“You are more than your struggles. You are capable, resilient, and worthy.” It’s critical to remember that our obstacles do not determine who we are. Beyond our challenges, we have inherent worth, inner power, and aptitude.

We all have difficult times, but they don’t make us less valuable. Rather, they can serve as a testament to our tenacity and triumph. Remember that you are stronger than any challenge you encounter, and embrace your strength. No matter how tiny your accomplishments have been, acknowledge your value. You deserve to be happy, loved, and respected. Let’s go ahead and continue moving forward, confident in your ability to succeed.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Your Hard Work and Dedication are the Seeds

“Your hard work and dedication are the seeds. Let them grow into success.” This quote reminds us that every effort we make is an investment in our future.

Each step you take, no matter how small, is a seed planted toward your success. With time, persistence, and dedication, these seeds will flourish into the achievements you aspire to. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks; they are just part of the growth process. Keep nurturing your dreams with consistent effort and unwavering belief in your abilities. Your journey may be long, but the harvest of your hard work will be bountiful.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Find Peace in the Present Moment

To access your true strength, it is important to concentrate on yourself in the present, as defined in this quote: “Find peace in the present moment. It’s where your power lies.” Your current moment is full of courage and tranquility. Focusing on the present can help release the tensions from the past and lessen worries about the future.

Adopt an awareness-based approach and permit yourself to relish every moment. This technique calms you down and gives you the poise to handle life’s challenges. Never lose sight of the fact that your greatest power is right now. Let it guide you toward a life that is more peaceful and harmonious.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Embrace Your Emotions, Even the Difficult Ones

This important lesson reminds us to accept our emotions and acknowledge that they are essential to our journey. “Embrace your emotions, even the difficult ones. They are part of your journey.”

All emotions, whether happy or sad, are important in our existence. We allow ourselves to digest and heal by embracing and accepting these feelings. Acknowledging our feelings strengthens us; bottling them keeps us from developing. Remember that it’s okay to feel and share your feelings. They are genuine and important to your specific experience. Accept each one and let it help you better understand who you are.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Embrace the Challenge

“Every setback is a setup for a greater comeback. Embrace the challenge.” Life is full of ups and downs, but how we respond to setbacks defines our journey. This inspirational saying serves as a reminder that challenges are just stepping stones to future success. Every challenge offers an opportunity to grow, learn, and become more resilient. Instead of running away from failure, use the chance to prepare yourself for even greater success.

Always remember that every obstacle you overcome will set the path for your future achievements; therefore, bravely and resolutely confront them. Proceed forward, allowing every challenge to fortify your determination to triumph.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Reaching Out is a Sign of Strength, Not Weakness

This powerful message encourages us to prioritize our mental health and seek assistance when necessary: “Reaching out is a sign of strength, not weakness. It’s okay to ask for help.” Seeking support is a courageous demonstration of self-care.

It shows you value your mental health and know the advantages of receiving assistance. Whether you talk to a friend, visit a therapist, or connect with a support group, remember that you are never alone on this journey. Knowing and addressing our needs is what gives us power. Embrace the power of vulnerability and let it lead you on a path of personal growth.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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You Are a Masterpiece in Progress

This inspirational quote encourages us to accept our imperfections as unique parts of our journey: “You are a masterpiece in progress, with every flaw and imperfection adding depth to your beauty.” Every challenge and imperfection you face adds to the unique masterpiece that is you. Rather than striving for perfection, celebrate your triumphs and the distinct beauty that results from your creativity.

Your life takes on greater depth and individuality with each achievement and lesson learned. Never lose sight of the fact that your path makes you beautiful. Recognize your imperfections and accept that you are a work in progress, constantly evolving into a better version of yourself.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Keep Moving Forward, One Step at a Time

“Progress in mental health is measured not by perfection but by persistence. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.” This powerful reminder encourages us to focus on continual growth rather than striving for an impossible ideal.

Healing and growth take time, and every small step forward counts. It’s important to recognize and celebrate your efforts, no matter how small they may seem. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks; they are a natural part of the journey. Keep moving forward, honoring your progress and persistence. Remember, it’s the consistent effort and resilience that truly measure your mental health progress. Stay patient with yourself and keep taking those steps towards well-being.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Mindfulness is the Art of Living in the Present Moment

These are gentle reminders to slow down, give attention to the present, and find peace in the moment. In a world that pulls us in many directions, mindfulness offers a haven of calm. “Mindfulness is the art of living in the present moment. Embrace it, and find peace amidst life’s chaos.”

Concentrating on the here and now can enhance our general well-being and reduce stress. Embrace mindfulness practices like deep breathing and meditation, or focus on the small joys in life. Remember that our reaction to turmoil dictates our degree of calm, not our absence of it. Give mindfulness a high priority and guide it to a more peaceful and harmonious life.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

“It’s okay not to be okay. Your emotions are valid, and seeking support is a courageous act of self-care.” These words serve as a helpful reminder that difficulties are normal and that asking for assistance shows strength. Accept your emotions, understanding that they are a normal aspect of being human.

The first step to recovery and well-being is admitting your feelings and getting help when needed. Recall that you are not alone in overcoming your obstacles. Vulnerability breeds strength, and asking for assistance is sage advice. Make mental health a priority, and remember that asking for help is acceptable. Your path to well-being is genuine and significant, and you are not alone.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Healing Begins With Self-Compassion

Let these words serve as a gentle reminder to emphasize self-care and nourish your inner self with love and understanding. “Healing begins with self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness, especially in moments of struggle.”

Treating ourselves with the same compassion as a loved one during trying times is important. Accept your weaknesses, give your feelings space, and permit yourself to heal at your speed. Never forget that practicing self-compassion is essential to achieving mental health. Thus, practice self-compassion, value your self-worth, and let kindness lead the way to recovery and completeness.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Do Not Wait for the Perfect Conditions to Start

Do not wait for the perfect conditions to start. Allow these words to serve action, inspiring you to live in the now and bravely pursue your goals. Frequently, we find ourselves waiting for the perfect moment to start down the path to success. However, the truth is that there’s never an ideal moment to begin.

Although there are many chances and possibilities in life, there are also many uncertainties and problems. Take advantage of this opportunity, push yourself beyond your comfort zone, and bravely take the first step toward your objectives. Recall that those who dare to start despite the difficulties are the ones who make progress. Accept the trip, accept the challenges, and observe as your aspirations come true.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams

“Never stop chasing your dreams. It will be worth it.” These words fire us up, reminding us that persistence and determination are the keys to realizing our goals. Everything we do to pursue our aspirations moves us one step closer to the life we imagine. Even though the path may be challenging, persistence pays off and cannot be measured. Thus, let’s see the challenges as opportunities for development and let our desire carry us.

While achieving success is not always simple, all dreams are achievable with persistent commitment. Continue pursuing your goals because the process will be as fulfilling as the final destination.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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It’s Okay to Take a Break

“It’s okay to take a break. Rest if you must, but never give up.” These wise words are a gentle reminder that caring for oneself is crucial to achieving mental health. Sometimes, life’s obstacles feel too much to handle; therefore, taking a step back and giving our mental health priority is acceptable.

Taking a break is a show of strength and self-awareness, not weakness. By allowing ourselves to take breaks and recover, we refuel our bodies and minds and are better equipped to face obstacles head-on. Resilience, remember, is about acknowledging our boundaries and respecting our need for self-care, not about persevering despite tiredness. Take a deep breath; give yourself a moment. You did great today; you have gotten this far. We’re so proud of you! Remember that you deserve to relax and recharge.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Your Attitude Determines Your Direction

This straightforward yet effective reminder highlights our mentality’s significant influence on directing our lives. Let’s face each day with hope and resolve, understanding that our mindset determines how we will go.

Let’s be resilient instead of giving up, grateful instead of being negative, and persevere in uncertainty. Our attitude affects people around us as well as our personal experiences. Maintaining an optimistic mindset makes negotiating life’s curveballs easier and encourages others to do the same. Let’s acknowledge that our attitude can guide us toward a more promising and satisfying future.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Challenges are Opportunities in Disguise

Let’s adopt a new perspective and see challenges as chances for growth and success rather than obstacles to overcome. Each challenge we surpass enables us to develop, alter, and improve as people. Embracing challenges is the key to reaching our full potential.

Instead of fearing challenges, let’s embrace them as part of our growth mindset and personal growth. When we look at the ups and downs of life, we must view every challenge as a chance to improve and gain new insights. Remember that our path is not defined by the obstacles we face but rather by our decisions about overcoming them.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Children’s Mental Health

Let’s prioritize children’s mental health. Every child deserves to grow up feeling supported, understood, and emotionally resilient. By nurturing their mental well-being from a young age, we can help them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Join the conversation on #ChildrensMentalHealth and learn about strategies to support the young minds in your life. Every effort counts in building a strong foundation for their future, from promoting positive self-esteem to teaching coping skills.

Let’s break the stigma surrounding mental health in children and create a culture of openness, understanding, and acceptance. Together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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You Are Not Alone

You are not alone. No matter your challenges, remember that a community is ready to support you. Reach out, share your story, and let others lift you. Together, we can overcome anything life throws our way. Your struggles are valid, and there’s strength in vulnerability. Whether you’re battling mental health issues, navigating tough times, or feeling isolated, know that help is available. You’re part of a network that cares.

Let’s break the stigma surrounding asking for support and create a culture of compassion and understanding. You matter, and your journey is shared by many.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s necessary for your well-being! Take a moment to prioritize yourself with a gentle reminder: rest when needed, embrace moments of solitude, and indulge in activities that bring joy. Nourish your body with wholesome foods and your mind with positive thoughts. Remember, self-love is the foundation for a balanced life. Whether it’s a cozy evening in, a walk in nature, or a creative outlet, dedicate time to recharge.

You are deserving of care and kindness. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine, and watch how it transforms your life.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Ways on How to Love Yourself

Loving yourself is a journey worth embarking on! Discovering ways to cherish and honor your being is a beautiful process of self-discovery. Start by embracing your uniqueness, celebrating your accomplishments, and forgiving your imperfections. Practice self-care rituals that nourish your mind, body, and soul, whether it’s through meditation, exercise, or indulging in your favorite hobbies.

Surround yourself with positivity and affirmations, letting go of self-doubt and negativity. Remember, self-love is not selfish—it’s essential for your well-being and growth.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that help is available. If you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Ways to Calm Your Mind

Amid life’s whirlwind, finding peace is essential. Dive into simple practices that soothe your soul and quiet the chaos within. From mindful breathing to grounding exercises, discover the serenity that awaits. Embrace nature’s embrace, indulge in mindful movement, and sip on the elixir of calmness.

Take charge of your mental oasis and reclaim tranquility in every moment. Let’s embark on this journey together and rediscover the bliss of a tranquil mind. Your serenity starts now!

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Life’s Storms May Bend Us, But They Cannot Break The Spirit That Stands Resilient

Amidst the storms of challenges and adversities, our inner strength shines brightest. Just as trees sway in the wind yet remain rooted, we, too, withstand the trials that come our way. Each storm shapes us, molding our character and fortifying our resolve.

Remember that resilience isn’t about avoiding difficulties but facing them with courage and perseverance. Together, we weather the storms, emerging stronger and wiser on the other side. Let’s stand tall, united in our resilience, and inspire hope in those around us.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Self-Care Reminder

Self-care reminder: Today, don’t compare, be grateful, be present, and be yourself. Comparison robs us of joy, so let’s focus on our unique journey and celebrate our progress. Cultivate gratitude for the blessings, big and small that surround us each day. Please take a moment to breathe, to savor the beauty of the present moment, and to ground ourselves in the here and now.

And above all, honor your authenticity, embracing who you are with love and acceptance. Prioritize your well-being by nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. You deserve kindness, compassion, and self-love.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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In the Garden of Adversity, the Seeds of Growth Take Root, Blossoming into Strength

In the garden of adversity, the seeds of growth take root, blossoming into strength. Every challenge we face presents an opportunity for resilience and transformation. Just as flowers thrive amidst rocky terrain, we too can flourish in the face of adversity. Embrace the lessons that hardship offers, for they nourish our souls and cultivate inner fortitude. 

With each trial overcome, we emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than before. Let adversity be the fertile ground from which your resilience blooms, inspiring others with the beauty of your growth. 

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Prioritize Yourself All The Time

“Reminder: It’s okay not to be okay all the time. 🌧️💙 Mental health is a journey with ups and downs, and embracing the fluctuations is a crucial part of self-care. 🌱💚 You’re not alone; your feelings are valid. Take a moment to acknowledge your emotions, and remember that seeking support is a sign of strength. 🤝💕 Whether it’s a tough day or a challenging season, there is light ahead. Practice self-compassion and reach out to loved ones or professionals for assistance. 🌈✨ Let’s break the stigma surrounding mental health and create a supportive community. #MentalHealthMatters #ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #SelfCareJourney #BreakTheStigma #YouAreNotAlone

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Teens With Mental Health Issues Are Struggling to Seek Help

🌟 Unlocking Hope: Brave Teens Navigate Mental Health Struggles 🧠💔 Despite the silent battles, many teens face mental health challenges alone. Breaking the stigma, our society must embrace the courage it takes for teens to seek help. 🤝 Let’s spark a conversation and create a safe space for these resilient minds. 💪💙#TeensMentalHealth#BreakTheSilence#YouAreNotAlone#MentalHealthMatters#EndTheStigma🌈 Together, let’s empower the next generation to prioritize their mental well-being. 🚀✨

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Nigeria Infrastructure

#Infrastructure is essential for a nation’s economic and social development, as it facilitates #trade, #communication, #education, #health, and #security. Therefore, investing in infrastructure projects can help Nigeria #improve its competitiveness, #productivity, and quality of life.

Infrastructure projects between Nigeria and other countries:

#Power and energy: With only roughly 60% of the population connected to the grid, Nigeria has one of the lowest rates of electricity access in the entire globe. The nation’s reliance on fossil fuels, particularly gas and oil, for #electricity generation leaves it susceptible to changes in the price of these resources and environmental problems. Nigeria also experiences low voltage and frequent power outages, impacting people’s living and productivity standards. On the other hand, some nations have invested in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro to diversify their energy sources and lessen their carbon footprint. For instance, Morocco constructed the world’s largest concentrated solar power plant, supplying electricity to more than a million people. South Africa has also launched wind and solar projects, accounting for about 10% of its electricity generation.

#Transportation: Nigeria boasts a vast and varied land area, but its transportation system requires better upkeep and development. Of the 200,000 kilometers of roads in the nation, only about 25% are paved. The road #network is congested, unsafe, and prone to damage from floods and erosion. The rail system has only about 4,000 kilometers of tracks, most narrow gauge, so it needs to be updated and used. Nigeria has 32 airports, and only five are up to par with international standards. The maritime industry must be developed with restricted port capacity and security. In contrast, some nations have invested in effective transit networks, like expressways, metro lines, and high-speed trains. For example, China has the world’s largest high-speed rail network, with over 35,000 kilometers of tracks, which can transport passengers and goods at speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour.

#Telecommunications: With over 140 million mobile phone subscribers and 85 million Internet users, Nigeria has a large and growing Internet and mobile phone user population. Due to frequent network outages, expensive data plans, and restricted broadband coverage, these services still require improvement in quality and affordability. According to the ICT Development Index, the nation is ranked 131st out of 176. On the other hand, some countries have developed and reasonably priced telecommunications networks. For instance, with an average internet speed of 28.6 megabits per second—roughly four times faster than the global average—South Korea leads the world in internet speed.

Help Fight Depression And Let’s Start Talking

Let’s band together to fight depression and embrace the power of conversation! Let’s eliminate the stigma and begin discussing mental health in a society where silence can be deafening. Your voice matters, and by talking about our everyday experiences, we build an encouraging and empathic community. When we work together, we can inspire hope and resiliency and act as a catalyst for change.

It’s time to dispel the stigma associated with depression and promote an open and compassionate society. Together, we can change the conversation about mental health and create a happier, more cohesive future.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Anxiety is an unrelenting storm within. The ‘what ifs’ keep repeating in your head, and the uneasiness consumes your heart. Though its causes differ, anxiety affects everyone. Let’s remove the stigma, bring attention to this silent struggle, and establish an environment that fosters empathy and understanding. 💚

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Nigeria’s Healthcare System

🌍 Nigeria’s healthcare system is a cornerstone of the nation’s well-being, facing triumphs and challenges. 🏥 Dedicated healthcare professionals demonstrate resilience daily, offering vital services despite resource limitations. It’s time to shed light on the need for enhanced infrastructure, training, and funding to ensure every Nigerian has access to quality healthcare.

💙 Let’s advocate for change! We can bolster medical facilities, expand training programs, and provide essential resources by fostering increased investments. A healthier Nigeria starts with collective action and awareness.

🩺 Despite hurdles, Nigerian healthcare professionals exhibit unwavering commitment. It’s our responsibility to support them by urging policymakers and influencers to prioritize healthcare reform. We can bridge gaps and pave the way for a more robust and inclusive healthcare system.

✨ Join the movement for change! #NigeriaHealthcare#HealthForAll#MedicalInfrastructure#QualityCare#InvestInHealth🌟 By using these hashtags, we amplify our voices and mobilize support. Let’s work towards a future where every citizen, regardless of circumstance, enjoys the right to accessible and high-quality healthcare. 🇳🇬💪

You and Your Well-Being Matter!

Here’s a gentle reminder: You and your well-being matter! 🌟💖 Embrace the journey of self-love and prioritize your mental and emotional health daily. 🌈💆‍♂️ Remember, small steps lead to big transformations – take a moment for yourself and nurture a healthier mind and heart. 🧠❤️ Let’s cultivate a community of support and positivity where everyone’s well-being is a priority. 🌍🤝 Join us in the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life. 🌺✨

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Life’s Story is Written Not in the Destination, But in the Footprints Along the Way

Pay attention to your footprints rather than your final destination. They serve as evidence of your adventure, learning, and journey. These are the impressions you make, the experiences you have, and the tales you share. Your destination marks the beginning rather than the end. The tracks you make on the path tell the real story of your life. They are an accurate representation of your personality, principles, and goals. These are the things you leave behind, the motivation you offer, and the impact you create.

What kind of story are you living with your footprints? Feel free to comment your answers below. We all be waiting…

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and you’re in the #Arizona areas of Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, or Green Valley, call us at 520-333-4949 to book an appointment.

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Make Your Mental Health A Priority

While we frequently overlook it in chasing our goals, mental health is just as vital as physical health. Mental well-being influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It also affects how we relate to people, handle stress, and make decisions. For this reason, we must prioritize and look after our mental health. Remember that mental wellness is essential. You are worthy of good health and happiness. Give attention to your mental well-being every day.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Challenges are the Chisels that Sculpt the Statue of Your Strength

It’s easy to get discouraged and want to give up when we encounter difficulties in life. But it’s crucial to remember that these difficulties are real chances for development and betterment. Our difficulties can aid in developing our inner grit and resilience, much like a sculptor uses chisels to shape a block of stone into a magnificent statue. Although it’s not always simple, we can grow stronger and more capable than ever imagined if we overcome our obstacles head-on and push through them. So, the next time you face a challenging obstacle, it’s simply an opportunity for you to create your statue of strength.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life’s Tapestry is Woven with Threads of Joy, Sorrow, and the Vibrant Colors of Our Choices

Every moment we have is a distinct fusion of feelings, choices, and experiences that weave our lives together. There are moments when the threads of joy are bright and bold and when they are delicate and subtle. Similarly, the lines of grief can be short-lived and transient or thick and heavy. However, the decisions we make are what add dimension and individuality to the fabric of our existence. Each choice we make, no matter how big or small, adds a new thread to the pattern, making our unique, intricate design rich and complex. So, let’s make good and sensible decisions and weave a tapestry that makes us proud and encourages others to do the same.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Honoring the Greats- Award Night

Join us for an unforgettable evening at Stone Mountain- Atlanta! We’re celebrating the legends who have shaped our world. This in person event will be held at ICRO- 5459 East Mountain St. Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Get ready to immerse yourself in a night of tribute and appreciation for the Greats. From music to art, sports to literature, we’ll pay homage to those who have left an indelible mark on our lives. Our awards include, Honorary Citizens, Presidential Volunteer awards and Lifetime Achievement awards. These individuals have supported the youth, and have passed on the torch in more than one way for decades, and we are humbled to honor them in such a prestigious way.

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary gathering! Grab your friends and come honor the extraordinary individuals who have inspired us all.

Honorees include HRM King Muj Dib Jamel EL ‘Ose, 2024 Presidential Candidate Elbert Bartell, Dr. Princess Fumi Stephanie Hancock DNP, Pastor Ebony OH, U.S. Senator Tonya Anderson, Amb. Renee Knorr, Dr. Adeseye Omole, Commissioner Natalie Hall, Apostle Steve Surghrim, Shana Boutte,Laura Crisp, Qulesha Hayes, Caroline Jaffy, Caren Davis, Pamela McKinney and JaJuan Burton.

Life’s Twists And Turns Lead Us to Unexpected Blessings

It’s simple to become overwhelmed by life’s chaos and believe everything is going wrong. However, there are instances when unexpected detours lead to the most amazing discoveries. Perhaps we lost our jobs, but instead, we took advantage of a fresh opportunity we never would have considered. Alternatively, it’s possible that we experienced a difficult breakup and later met the love of our lives.

These unexpected blessings can help us recognize the value of the journey we’re on and serve as a reminder that everything happens for a reason. Thus, even in the face of difficulty, strive to maintain an open mind and follow the unexpected paths that may lead you.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life Is About Creating Memories, Make Them Count

When everything else vanishes, memories are the only thing we have left. They are the tales we share with our loved ones, the memories we hold dear, and the encounters that make us who we are. The memories we have made are what we remember most clearly when we look back on our lives.

So, let’s make the most of each moment. Let’s make memories that we will treasure forever and live our lives to the fullest. We never know when our time will come, and life is short. Let’s live a life that we can look back on with joy, filled with beautiful memories.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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You Are The Cause of Your Own Happiness

Happiness, indeed comes from within. You have the power to choose how you feel and how you react to the world around you. It might not always be easy, but taking responsibility for your happiness is empowering. It means you don’t have to rely on external factors to feel good about yourself and your life. Instead, you can create your own joy and find fulfillment in things that truly matter to you. So, embrace your own happiness and take control of your life.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life’s Lessons Are The Guideposts On Our Path To Wisdom

As we journey through life, we encounter many experiences that shape who we are. Some experiences are positive and uplifting, while others may be painful and difficult. However, through these experiences, we learn valuable lessons and gain wisdom.

These lessons serve as guideposts for us, helping us navigate through the ups and downs of life. They teach us about ourselves, others, and the world around us. They help us make better decisions, avoid mistakes, and grow as individuals. To benefit from life’s lessons, it is essential to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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“Ditch Your Fears in 90 Days” by Dr. Fumi Hancock

An empowering guide designed to help you break free from fear’s grip and embrace a life of courage. Within 90 days, this transformative book will guide you through overcoming anxiety, building resilience, and fostering a positive mindset. Written with actionable strategies and psychological insights, this guide provides step-by-step techniques to confront your fears and reshape your life.

Packed with tools and exercises tailored to gradually desensitize fear triggers, boost self-confidence, and cultivate resilience. Readers are empowered to reframe negative thought patterns and manage stress effectively. Encouraging the setting of personal goals and tracking progress, the book enables readers to measure growth and celebrate their triumphs. Combining actionable advice with relatable stories, the book imparts wisdom on reframing negative thought patterns, managing stress, and cultivating a positive mindset.

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Book Release Alert! ” Ditch Your Fears in 90 Days”

Our newest book, “Ditch Your Fears in 90 Days,” will take you on a revealing journey as it leads you through the transformational process of letting go of fear and embracing limitless courage. A seasoned expert wrote this book, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, PSYCHDNP.

This book provides a useful 90-day roadmap carefully curated with psychological insights and doable strategies. You’ll learn to face your anxiety and overcome it, strengthening your resilience and adopting a positive outlook. Regain control of your life and advance fearlessly into the future. Prepare to redefine your boundaries as you accept this story that will change your life.

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If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and if you are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life is a Canvas; Paint It With Colors of Love And Kindness

This inspiring quote invites us to discover the artistic beauty of life: “Life is a canvas; paint it with colors of love and kindness.” This metaphorical quote invites us to design a life full of love, compassion, and goodness. It inspires us to create a masterpiece that positively impacts the world by using our actions as brushes and our emotions as a palette. Let this quote motivate you to spread compassion and empathy with each brushstroke of your journey as an artist of kindness.

How can you actively paint your life with the vibrant colors of love and kindness, and what ripple effects do you think this would create in your community and beyond? Please feel free to comment down below your answers. We all be waiting…

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life is Not a Destination; It’s a Journey to be Embraced

Embrace the deep wisdom of this quote: “Life is not a destination; it’s a journey to be embraced.” This quote reminds us that life’s essence lies in the journey, not just the end goals. It exhorts us to enjoy each step, cherish each encounter, and enjoy living. Let this quote motivate you to appreciate the beauty and growth that come along the way instead of focusing on the final destination.

How can you cultivate a mindset that allows you to embrace life as a journey, finding fulfillment in each moment? Please feel free to comment down below your answers. We all be waiting…

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life is Not About What We Have, But What We Make of What We Have

Insightful quote: “Life is not about what we have, but what we make of what we have.” This quote emphasizes the significance of gratitude, resourcefulness, and creativity in creating a meaningful life. It encourages us to turn away from material possessions and instead concentrate on the value that can be produced with the resources at our disposal. This way of thinking enables us to see the possibility of happiness and fulfillment in even the most straightforward situations. Let this quote motivate you to appreciate your abundance and use it to create a life full of meaning and contentment.

How do you cultivate a mindset of gratitude and resourcefulness, and how has it enriched your perspective on the value of what you possess?

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Embrace The Storms of Life, For They Make You Stronger

This quote encourages us to see life’s difficulties as opportunities for growth and inner resiliency. It inspires us to confront adversity with bravery and fortitude, understanding that it is through the storms that we grow and learn. By embracing life’s storms, we grow stronger, wiser, and more capable of overcoming any obstacles that may come our way. Let this quote inspire you to persevere through hardship and welcome the process of personal development.

How do you find strength and resilience during life’s storms, and what valuable lessons have you learned from overcoming adversity? Please feel free to comment down below your answers. We all be waiting…

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Life is About Connection and Building Meaningful Relationships

Discover the true meaning of human connection with this powerful quote: “Life is about connection and building meaningful relationships.” This saying captures the value of forming genuine connections with others and the profound fulfillment that results from shared experiences. It inspires us to foster relationships that bring us happiness, support, and a sense of community. By prioritizing meaningful connections, we weave a rich emotional tapestry that improves our lives. Let this quote motivate you to put effort and time into developing relationships that will enhance your journey.

How do you cultivate meaningful relationships in your life, and how have these connections impacted your overall well-being and sense of purpose? Please feel free to comment down below your answers. We all be waiting…

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Unraveled Minds, Unmasked

Join me: #UnraveledMinds In a world where ideas clash and convictions collide, the battleground isn’t just outside; it’s within ourselves. Join us in the inaugural episode of “Minds Under Siege,” where we peel back the layers to reveal the hidden toll of #culturewars on our collective psyche. Princess Fumi Stephanie Hancock​, #MentalHealth, #mentalhealthatwork:

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Episode 4: Dynamic Gig Economy

In this thought-provoking conversation, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, Psychdnp. and Dr Yolanda Shields MBA Ph.D. explore the dynamic gig economy. Find out what influences this new workplace environment and how politics, business, and culture are vital to its development. Learn why some people find comfort in traditional work environments while embracing the gig economy offers them unmatched freedom and flexibility. Learn why consulting with experts is a game-changer in your journey and gain insightful knowledge into the opportunities and challenges that result from this shift. Participate in the discussion to maximize the benefits of the gig economy for your professional and business endeavors.

Watch the full video on YouTube @

Purchase Dr. Yolanda Shields’s The Gig Economy book @

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Episode 3 with Dr. Yolanda Shields MBA Ph.D.

Are you prepared to learn about the potential of the gig economy and the future of work? Join Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, Psychdnp. and Dr Yolanda Shields MBA Ph.D. in this open discussion as they discuss the changing nature of the workplace. Learn why the gig economy is expanding and how it gives the upcoming generation of workers newfound freedom and flexibility. Learn why more people embrace entrepreneurship and self-employment as traditional career paths change. Learn about the difficulties of starting a successful business and doing gig work, and gain insightful knowledge on dealing with them. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or simply interested in the gig economy, this enlightening conversation will motivate you to confidently negotiate the shifting employment landscape.

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Life is a Book

Start your fascinating journey through life with this wise proverb: “Life is a book, and every chapter is a new opportunity to grow and learn.” This proverb captures the notion that life is an ongoing personal exploration and development narrative. Every chapter is a fresh opportunity to learn more, experience new things, and develop into our best selves. It encourages us to approach life with curiosity and a readiness to gain knowledge from successes and setbacks. Let this quote motivate you to view every stage of life as a priceless opportunity for personal development.

How can you make the most of each chapter in your life, and what lessons have you learned that have contributed to your personal growth? Please feel free to comment down below your answers. We all be waiting…

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Throw Away Your Negative Thoughts

We all have unwanted thoughts now and then. They frequently appear when they are least expected. Allowing negative thoughts to rule your life can have far-reaching consequences. Talking to someone can help you deal with whatever life throws at you.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Reconnecting with Dr. Yolanda Conley Shields: Unveiling Her Inspiring Journey and New Book

Join Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock as she welcomes Dr. Yolanda Conley Shields into her life and onto her platform. Discover their heartfelt reunion and delve into the inspiring journey of Dr. Conley Shields. Get ready for the exclusive launch of her highly anticipated new book as they share insights, personal stories, and empowering messages. Prepare to be inspired, uplifted, and motivated by this dynamic duo as they embark on a renewed friendship and celebrate the power of resilience and personal growth.

This is the video version of Tear the Veil with Dr. Fumi, PsychDNP. You can check and listen to her latest podcast @

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Role and Impact of Friendship in Our Lives

Join Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock on her journey as she reflects on the importance and influence of friendship in our lives in this touching video. She talks about her own life, the highs and lows of friendships, and the value of communication and forgiveness. Watch as she muses about reestablishing contact with her best friend after a long silence, emphasizing the importance of cherishing and fostering our relationships. Join her as she explores the transformative potential of friendship while seeking wisdom. Remember that no one can change the world alone, so be motivated to value and strengthen your own friendships.

Watch the full video on YouTube @

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If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Tales of Two Countries: Gratitude Vs. Complaint – Love Conquers

Dr. Princess Fumi, an African princess and psychiatric doctor, as she explores a thought-provoking conversation between individuals from two different countries. Discover the contrasting perspectives on politics, leadership, and societal challenges, and delve into the importance of unity, gratitude, and truthful communication in building a better future. Gain valuable insights into the complexities of nation-building and each individual’s role in shaping their country’s destiny.

This is the video version of Tear the Veil with Dr. Fumi, PsychDNP. You can check and listen to it @

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Dr Fumi Hancock, DNP, PMHNP-BC- was interviewed at Us People Show with Savia Rocks (UK Show)

In this episode of the Us People Show. I get to speak to the beautiful and forever inspiring Dr Princess Fumi. As she embraces us with her journey, wisdom and grace.

Talking to us about her love for God the almighty. Love and manipulation. Understanding your worth in business and love.

Feeling abandoned but having the strength to thrive and not just survive. In a world that is forever challenging us to our limits.

God showing us, that all our pathways are designed for great success, and the bad time prepares you for the good.

One of the strengths of life is knowing when to say no, to let go and be free of the attachment of some else’s negativity. That can cause anxiety within all of us.

This is definitely a show that is filled with love, compassion and kindness, and you would not want time is it.

Watch here:

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Respecting Others’ Journeys: Why We Shouldn’t Stomp on People’s Life Stories

Watch Dr. Fumi Hancock as she discusses why we shouldn’t stomp on each other’s life stories. We explore the importance of creating safe spaces and why respecting and validating people’s trauma is crucial. We discuss how trauma can profoundly impact individuals’ lives, often leaving lasting emotional scars. By acknowledging the significance of their experiences and providing a safe and empathetic environment, we can help survivors heal and regain a sense of empowerment. This video emphasizes the value of empathy, understanding, and the avoidance of judgment or invalidation when engaging with survivors. Together, we can cultivate a culture of support and compassion, fostering healing and resilience for those who have endured trauma.

Watch the full video on YouTube

This is the video version of Tear the Veil with Dr. Fumi, PsychDNP. You can check and listen to it @

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Memorial Day

Engage and honor the true spirit of Memorial Day! Today, we come together as a grateful nation to pay tribute to the courageous individuals who selflessly gave their lives while serving our country. It is a day of profound remembrance, where we reflect upon their unwavering dedication, immeasurable bravery, and ultimate sacrifices. Their extraordinary actions have paved the way for the freedoms we cherish today. As we observe this solemn occasion, let us unite in gratitude, ensuring their memories endure in our hearts and inspire future generations.

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Never Underestimate People’s Trauma

This is LifeRehabTV with DrFumi, PsychDNP… a Doctor of Nurse Practice Show

Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock says that Trauma should never be underestimated or made light of. I’ve witnessed people suffering and even losing their lives due to trauma. Let’s exercise empathy and understand the impact of trauma on individuals. Recently, Harry and Meghan’s situation reminded me of the lasting trauma Harry may have from losing his mother. Triggers can cause strong reactions. It’s crucial to focus on the message and support others. Don’t underestimate trauma; it affects us all. Be inspired and value your journey!

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If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Mental Health Month

May is Mental Health Month, and it’s a time to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our minds as well as our bodies. Like we exercise and eat healthy to maintain physical wellness, it’s essential to prioritize our mental health too.

Let’s commit to practicing self-care, seek support when needed, and break the stigma surrounding mental health. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay, and reaching out for help is a sign of strength.

If you’re suffering from a mental health issue and don’t know how to deal with it and are in the #Arizona (Phoenix, Surprise, Tucson, Green Valley areas), call us at 520-333-4949.

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Loneliness and Isolation

Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock addresses the growing issue of loneliness and isolation in today’s society, like the United States and Nigeria, as she watched the news and listened to US Surgeon Dr. Vivek Murphy. She shares her insights on the detrimental effects of social disconnection and highlights its impact on mental health. Through personal anecdotes and professional expertise, Dr. Hancock sheds light on the alarming rise of suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, and other negative consequences of loneliness. She urges parents and adults to take responsibility for combating this pervasive problem by actively engaging with their children and loved ones, promoting open communication, and creating a nurturing environment at home. Dr. Hancock also encourages viewers to reflect on the influence of social media and the need to strike a balance in its usage. By reclaiming the essence of community, fostering genuine connections, and prioritizing mental well-being, we can empower ourselves and future generations to overcome the challenges of loneliness and isolation.

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Plea to Parents: Beware of Your Children’s Mental Health Crisis

Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, PsychDNP, treats psychiatric patients and shares her concern about the mental health crisis many young patients are going through, especially since the pandemic. She urges parents to watch their children and get involved in their lives. Many children are left alone to their own demise and suffer from societal ideation, suicidal thoughts, and even violent impulses. Dr. Fumi Hancock speaks from a place of love and empathy as a single mother who worked hard to provide for her children. She emphasizes that it’s not the psychiatrist’s responsibility to raise children and that parents need to take ownership of their role as parents and understand what their children are going through. If you’re a parent, this video is a must-watch to learn how to prevent your children from becoming victims of the mental health crisis.

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Life is a Precious Gift

The short nature of life and the importance of living each moment to the fullest is a reminder that life is a precious gift. It emphasizes that life is a unique gift we should cherish and make the most of, as we never know when our time will end. It encourages us to live intentionally, pursue our passions, and positively impact the world.

So how can you make the most of the precious gift of life and ensure that every moment counts? Post your response in the comment section.

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Happy Birthday, Aira!

Happy birthday to the amazing Aira ! Today, we celebrate a truly wonderful person who brings so much joy and positivity into our lives. Aira is someone who radiates kindness, warmth, and humor wherever she goes, and we feel incredibly lucky to have her in our lives.

As we honor Aira on her special day, we reflect on all the amazing things she has accomplished and the ways she has touched our lives. Whether it’s through her infectious laughter, her inspiring words, or her unwavering support, Aira always manages to lift us up and make us feel like we can conquer the world.

So here’s to you, Aira – on your birthday, we celebrate everything that makes you so special. We hope this year brings you all the love, happiness, and success you deserve, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll accomplish in the years to come. Happy birthday! 🎂🎉🎈

Never Lose Sight of Who You Are

We emphasize the importance of staying true to one’s identity and values. We should never compromise our authentic selves for the sake of others or to fit in with societal norms. We encourage you to stay grounded in your beliefs and to always remain honest with yourself, even in the face of adversity or pressure from others. By staying true to ourselves, we can lead a fulfilling and meaningful lives that align with our aspirations and values. We remind you that our most important relationship is with ourselves and that we should prioritize our well-being by being true to ourselves.

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Life’s True Value

It serves as a reminder of the incredible gift of life that we all possess and the unique journeys that we each undertake. Throughout the various experiences we encounter, both positive and negative, we gain an understanding of our inner strength and resilience. As we witness the beauty and wonder of the natural world and create memories with those around us, we learn to discover meaning and purpose in our lives. It is essential to reflect on our personal journeys, accept challenges, and celebrate successes as we progress on our life journeys.

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Be A Rainbow In Someone’s Storm

Someone needs us to be a rainbow in their storm. Give them support so they can withstand the challenges of daily life. We’ll understand that our presence on this planet isn’t just for our benefit but also for others.

Whatever happens, we can all agree that life’s moments aren’t always in bright colors.

With this knowledge in mind, we can all embrace a straightforward but incredibly effective viewpoint: every person you meet is engaged in a battle you are unaware of. Every person you meet is dealing with something difficult for them, whether internal or external. That’s why we must always be kind to whomever we talk with and be the person that makes their storm turn into a rainbow.

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How To Maintain a Healthy Mental State

Your mental health has an impact on the thoughts, emotions, and actions you take every day. It also impacts your capacity to manage stress, overcome obstacles, form relationships, and bounce back from setbacks and difficulties in life.

Your overall physical and mental well-being depends on your mental and emotional health. Managing emotions and maintaining emotional balance is an essential skill; with that skill, you can easily handle all difficulties and stress that come into your life. The inability to control one’s emotions can result in poor mental health and relationship problems.

Most people with mental health disorders believe that their symptoms are typical aspects of life or refuse treatment out of embarrassment or fear. Don’t be afraid to seek help if you have concerns about your mental health.

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Benefits of Loving Yourself

Your attitude toward yourself changes when you truly love and accept yourself. Although it requires work and acceptance, learning to love oneself has rewarding results. As you move through life, you know to take your circumstances and assume accountability for your choices. You also understand the source of love, joy, passion, and authenticity. You become content with how you live your life when you recognize the control you have over it. Feeling satisfied with your life has a profound psychological effect and lowers overall stress.

We list five benefits that you can get when you love yourself!

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Give Yourself Credit

Many people don’t recognize their accomplishments in what they do or have accomplished in their lives. Giving yourself credit for your effort can be extremely difficult for perfectionists, who frequently look for improved methods. It’s simpler to carry on working toward a goal than to take stock of everything you’ve accomplished.

It’s crucial to acknowledge your progress, whether in terms of your physical, emotional, or mental state. According to research, giving yourself credit and treating yourself with compassion can increase your motivation to make changes in your life and is linked to personal initiative and curiosity.

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Depression Doesn’t Make You Lazy

Depression and Laziness share many characteristics, and many people mistakenly categorize them as lazy. Both depression and laziness impact one’s ability to focus, be motivated, have energy, and produce high-quality work. Because they lack self-awareness or understanding of what motivates them, lazy people are unmotivated by things beyond their control. Depression, on the other hand, affects one’s mental health and mood.

The most crucial distinction between depression and laziness is that people with depression do not want to feel the way they do. They constantly strive to be enthusiastic and effective, but they need help.

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Be Gentle With Your Pain

It’s normal to experience pain from time to time. Pain manifests physically when we are hurt, ill, or get older, or emotionally when we are sad, depressed, or sorrowful. Additionally, it appears when we experience a mental state like anxiety or depression that consumes us.

Pain takes time to vanish. Even though you may not enjoy the pain you’re experiencing, you might be reluctant to seek emotional healing because you’re worried about what you might learn. Even though emotional healing can be incredibly rewarding, the process can occasionally be painful. Consider consulting a mental health specialist with experience assisting people through dynamic healing processes daily.

Just remember that healing takes time.

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Be Patient With Yourself

We often begin our journeys toward recovery after years of battling addictions, depression, and other mental health conditions. We often feel exhausted because we’ve been struggling for so long. Although we want to feel better as soon as possible, there are times when our impatience with the healing process can impede our progress.

Being aware of our humanity and keeping in mind that none of us are perfect allows us to be patient with ourselves. Being patient entails accepting who we are and choosing to place our attention on growth rather than perfection. It involves showing compassion to ourselves as opposed to withholding it.

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Self-Care Menu

Simply taking care of your mental health, happiness, and well-being allows you to live your best life. Whatever you have on the outside won’t matter if you’re unhappy on the inside.

It can be challenging to develop the habit of practicing self-care regularly, especially if you desperately need it. We’ve listed some tips to help you get into a routine. It’s known as a self-care menu!

A Self-Care menu is a superb way to identify the things that will get you out of a funk and improve your mood.

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Steps To Overcome Your Mental Health Issues

It’s no secret that dealing with mental health issues can be difficult. Keeping their heads above water is a daily battle for some people. Others may only have occasional difficulties, but no matter how frequently you deal with these issues, it is never easy. Because you are in a difficult situation, you must find different ways to relieve some of the burdens you are feeling and even overcome your mental health problems.

When emerging from a period of mental distress, the most crucial thing to remember is that you are the key person on the treatment team. Even if you feel helpless right now, there are many things you can do to help yourself.

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Self-care Is Not Being Selfish

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. You want to take care of the people you care about, but to do so, you must first take care of yourself. We all know that your family is your top priority. However, this does not imply that their needs are more important than yours. We must prioritize what is necessary to know what we should deal with first.

Caring for yourself does not imply that you are not concerned about others. Focusing on yourself and investing in yourself gives you the strength and energy to care for those you love.

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Underrated Benefits of Exercise

Would you like to know what the mental health benefits of exercise are? The main benefits are positive; mental, physical, and cognitive enhancements. These advantages are frequently overlooked because we tend to focus on physical health. When exercise is done regularly, and at the appropriate intensity, it can have a significant impact on our psychological well-being.

Exercise provides us with structure, meaning, energy, and motivation. It is also effective at changing how we process and responds to our emotions, decreasing overthinking, and increasing emotional resilience to stress. This helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by changing our behavior, improving our self-esteem, and reducing feelings of loneliness by becoming more social.

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5 Tips to Improve Mental Health

We know how critical it is to keep our bodies healthy and functioning correctly. Even though modern society’s understanding of mental health is improving, there is still much work to be done to help the general public understand that mental health is also a priority, just like physical health.

When you look after your mental health, you’ll be able to make wiser choices, think more clearly, feel more optimistic, build and maintain better relationships, have a more peaceful sleep, and feel happier all around. We listed five simple tips for you to improve your mental health.

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Easy Ways to Help Your Child Control His Anger

Anger is a normal human emotion felt by both adults and children. On the other hand, children may have a more difficult time recognizing how to control and manage their anger. It is difficult for parents and children when a child struggles with anger.

If your child has angry outbursts, especially if their anger interferes with their relationships and quality of life, you must teach them the right skills they need to deal with their emotions healthily. A mental health professional’s advice can also be very beneficial.

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Mental Health is a Priority

Mental health is a priority because it is essential to a person’s overall well-being and functioning. Good mental health allows people to cope with the daily stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their communities. Poor mental health, on the other hand, can lead to a range of problems, such as difficulty in completing daily tasks, low productivity, and social isolation.

Untreated mental health issues can have serious consequences, including substance abuse, self-harm, and even suicide. Therefore, it is important to prioritize mental health and seek help if needed. This can include seeking support from friends and family, seeking therapy or counseling, and taking care of physical health through exercise and proper nutrition. By prioritizing mental health, individuals can lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

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Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year!

New Year is a perfect time to start making a change for the better and leaving the past behind. We must say good bye to all negativities and look at the brighter sides of every situation. Sketch out your dreams and goals, and love yourself more this coming year!

Want to read a novel?

Here’s a Fun List that Dr. Hancock has published:

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Dr. Princess Fumi, PsychDNP.: books, biography, latest update

Holiday Affirmations

When you’re feeling down this holiday season, reading positive affirmations for holiday anxiety can help you get through it and allows you to boost your confidence. Because the holiday season can be lonely, this affirmation for holiday anxiety reminds you that you are worthy of love and acceptance but will not accept anything less. If that means being single or “alone,” so be it until you find what suits you.

Holiday season is an excellent time to let go of the past and remind yourself that what happened back then does not define who you are today. Prepare to put all that negativity behind you as the new year comes close. Allow it to go. It’s no longer there. It has passed.

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Mental Health Matters

Mental health is important. It affects almost every aspect of life and motivates our ability to communicate with friends, family, and even complete strangers. It also has an impact on our physical health, supporting our ability to continue with some routine activities like immune system and energy maintenance. How well we are able to manage stress and deal with particular difficulties can also be influenced by our mental health. Understanding why mental health matters are crucial.

To fully comprehend how your own mind functions, it’s essential to speak with mental health professionals. Knowing what to do next when you’re battling a disease like addiction can be challenging.

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10 Tips to Overcome Depression

1. Step out of bed.

One is not only tethered to bed because of emotional turmoil. Chronic depression may lead to aches and pains, weight gain, and other physical symptoms.

2. Prepare breakfast.

According to research, depressed individuals frequently skip breakfast. Having breakfast each day serves as a protective protect oneself from depression. A nutritious breakfast provides a nutritional punch that can improve your mood and aid in the fight against depression, in addition to lowering the body’s cortisol levels.

3. Never miss a workout.

Exercise is as effective as antidepressants, according to some studies. And you don’t even need to work out hard; a simple 30-minute walk will do the trick to make your body release feel-good hormones.

4. Establish a sleep schedule.

Your sleep schedule can be disrupted by depression, but a better sleep schedule lowers your risk of depression.

5. Be aware of your thoughts.

Boxing one’s emotions is one of the most prevalent behaviors among those suffering from depression. They criticize their own unfavorable thoughts far too harshly.

6. Alter the cycle.

According to studies, people who experience depression have the propensity to repeat the same cycle of behaviors. This results in monotony. And causes the individual to feel trapped or confined. Breaking the cycle is one of the best ways to deal with this. Take up a new hobby or embark on an adventure. Try to follow your heart.

7. Contact your loved ones.

Depression and isolation are closely related to one another. According to research, people with active social lives have better physical health, are less likely to experience depression, and live longer than those with inactive social lives.

8. Enjoy the sun’s rays.

The best healer is nature. Get out of your house whenever you start to feel down and take a selfie in the sun. Light therapy is one of the primary treatments for depression in contemporary medicine.

9. Keep a journey journal.

Expressive journal writing is one of the best methods for managing your emotions. Journaling is a recommended therapeutic technique by mental health professionals for elevating mood and managing depression symptoms.

10. Get qualified assistance

If you have a mental health disorder, you must seek professional help immediately. Asking for assistance does not indicate weakness; it simply indicates that you are wise enough to make the appropriate decision. Like any other physical condition, depression is an actual condition. Your ability to control your thoughts is limited because of the way your hormones are acting.

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What is ADHD?

ADHD is a disorder that alters people’s behavior. People with ADHD may appear restless, struggle to focus, and act impulsively.

The signs of ADHD are typically identified at a young age and may worsen as a child’s environment changes, such as when they start school. The majority of cases are discovered in kids under the age of 12, but occasionally it’s discovered later in childhood.

Sometimes people with ADHD are diagnosed as adults because they were not diagnosed when they were children. Although many adults who were diagnosed with ADHD when they were young continue to have issues, the symptoms of the condition typically get better as people age.

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Simple Tips To Relieve Stress

Even though stress is an inevitable part of life, you shouldn’t ignore it. Untreated stress can have serious negative effects on both physical and mental health. Many people experience stress on a daily basis. Everyday stresses, such as those related to work, family, health, and finances, can often lead to higher stress levels.

Additionally, a person’s susceptibility to stress is influenced by factors like genetics, the amount of social support they receive, their coping mechanisms, and their personality, so some people are more likely to experience stress than others.

The good news is that stress is typically controllable. Whether it’s family stress or work stress, you can lessen your stress with a little perseverance and a few helpful techniques that we listed in our post.

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Take Care of Your Mental Health

Mental, emotional, and social well-being are all included in mental health. It affects our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, decisions, and interactions with others. Don’t be uncaring when it comes to maintaining good mental health because doing so will help you make the most of life.

In addition to the significance of physical health, it is also becoming more acceptable to discuss and accept mental illness openly. You can take care of your mental health in a variety of ways. Getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and spending time with friends and family are some easy steps to take. These things have a significant impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

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Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness

Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness is a phrase meaning that conveys the idea that without experiencing bad things, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the good things in life. Only when you are going through difficult times, do you realize your true potential. Life doesn’t end; rather, it just starts over.

Tragedies do occasionally happen in life. Your world often comes crashing down just when you think everything is going great. However, the best way to view these difficult times is to realize that there are only new beginnings, not endings.

In this universe, everything has its opposite everywhere you turn. However, bad things that happen to you always give you a chance to improve, change, and grow.

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How to Restore Your Mental Health

Restoring mental health is not easy. To restore is to bring back or go back to a previous state. We are constantly reminded that the effects of the current world situation on our mental health are extensive and different for each individual.

You will learn in this video how to restore your mental health, which is why it is helpful. In our lives, mental health is extremely important. It’s because mental health affects the health of the rest of the body.

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What Are Mental Health Issues?

A mental health condition impairs a person’s ability to think, feel, or interact with others. There are various types of mental health problems, and they can all manifest to varying degrees of severity. These are some examples:



Bipolar disorder


Personality disorders

Eating disorders


Someone’s mental health may not necessarily be flourishing just because they have not been diagnosed with a mental health condition. Similar to this, it is possible to have a mental health diagnosis while still being in good overall health.

People who are struggling with mental health issues can and often do recover to their best mental health when they receive the appropriate support and treatment, and when they have a say in the decisions that affect their care.

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How to Improve Your Mood Before Going to Work

We’ve all experienced those workdays when all we want to do is go home and sleep again. Some of us will just experience the Monday blues, while others will experience it on a daily basis. Even the best of us experience it; after all, we are all only human.

There are countless reasons why we may be unhappy at work, including getting wet on the way to work, having a fight with a partner, or feeling like your boss doesn’t care.

So what can we do to feel happier at work? Fortunately, there are several simple actions you can take to raise your mood at work. They will also improve your mental health in addition to making you feel better.

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Be Kind To Your Mind

Why is it that we are so quick to lift others up but so slow to lift ourselves up? It’s easier to give than to receive a compliment, to applaud others’ accomplishments than to share our own.

Nobody can be tougher on you than yourself, but no one can love you more than yourself. With everything that is going on in the world right now, it is more important than ever to make the conscious decision to treat your mind with the infinite kindness it deserves every day.

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5 Tips to Cope With Insomnia

The most frequent sleep condition is insomnia. If you have trouble falling asleep or experience sleepless nights, you may have insomnia. Most insomniacs struggle to fall or stay asleep, and they frequently have poor sleep quality or nighttime awakenings.

It lowers your quality of life to have insomnia. You may experience both physical and mental effects. A person finds it challenging to manage daily tasks when they are sleep deprived or have bad sleeping habits. When a person doesn’t get enough sleep, they will wake up exhausted and not feel like performing their assigned chores.

The quality of one’s job may also be significantly impacted by insomnia. If you have insomnia, you can discover that nothing appeals to you, and this mental condition might eventually cause you to lose interest in the people or things around you. Your interpersonal connections are also in danger.

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Dealing With a Postpartum Depression

The period after you have your baby might be filled with various emotions. You may feel anything from joy to fear to sadness. If your emotions of sadness become strong and start to interfere with your regular life, you may be experiencing postpartum depression (PPD) (PPD).

Symptoms normally start within a few weeks of delivery, though they may develop up to six months following. Mood swings, issues forming a bond with your infant, and trouble concentrating or making decisions are a few examples.

You are not alone if you suspect that you has Postpartum Depression. In the United States, PPD affects about 1 in 7 women. We listed some things that might help you lessen your PPD.

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You deserve the support you need and, most importantly, to get the help, you need to work on your mental health. Never hesitate to ask questions. Never get embarrassed to ask for help when you need it. Requesting assistance is not a show of weakness. It represents strength. It demonstrates your courage to own your ignorance and your willingness to learn.

In every person’s life, we see a fear of seeking help. It’s reasonable to be afraid. When you’re trying anything new, you can feel anxious or guilty because most people compare those emotions with incompetence. We are here to help. Remember that!

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Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness helps educate the public about mental health and works to lessen the stigma and discrimination frequently experienced by those with mental illnesses. Many people battle mental illness but are unaware of it. This indicates that despite the availability of efficient treatments and medications, these people either do not obtain care or do not receive it on time.

Mental Health Awareness serves as a timely reminder that mental health is essential and that people struggling with mental health difficulties ought to be treated with care, compassion, understanding, and access to avenues leading to treatment, recovery, and fulfillment.

For the treatment of mental illness and the improvement of behavioral health, mental health education is crucial. It is a meaningful conversation that must take place to adopt a more proactive approach to mental health.

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Mental Health Always Matters

Our overall health and well-being are based on our mental health. It affects almost every aspect of life and motivates us to communicate with friends, family, and strangers. It also impacts our physical health, supporting our ability to continue with some everyday tasks, and maintain normal function of our immune system and energy levels. How well we manage stress and deal with particular difficulties might also be influenced by our mental health. This is why our Mental Health Always Matters!

If you are struggling with your mental health or know someone experiencing it, please call a doctor immediately to refer them to the right institution and help them assess what you are dealing with right now or you can contact us from the details below.

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What is Stress?

You may choose whether stress pushes you forward or backward; it functions as an accelerator. You can use stress to your advantage to accomplish your objectives and stay out of despair and anxiety if you have the right tools and mental resources. However, improper stress management can occasionally cause anxiety and suffering, and it could harm your biological functions.

Long-term stress can make you more prone to mental health illnesses by accelerating your aging, lowering immune function, and impairing your brain’s capacity to deal with emotional and physical problems. Chronic stress that is not correctly handled can aggravate various pre-existing illnesses, including acne, headaches, insomnia, and many more.

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An underlying disease is not always connected to anxiety. It can be caused by stress, trauma, personal problems, serious medical condition, side effects from medications, alcohol & drug consumption, or lack of oxygen. But sometimes, it may be related to underlying conditions like panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, drug and alcohol withdrawal, bipolar disorder, or agoraphobia.

Anxiety appears differently for each individual, and each has its own set of symptoms, but all anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive, unreasonable fear and dread. For one person, it might have the biggest influence on their social life. At the same time, someone else may feel physical symptoms—some other people with an anxiety disorder experience intense anxiety for more than six months.

If you are struggling with Anxiety and affecting your daily life or you know someone experiencing it, please call a doctor immediately so that they can refer them to the right institution and help them assess what they are dealing with right now.

Call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Book your appointment at: and

Visit our websites for more details: OR

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological and behavioral condition. Its symptoms may include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams about the events, mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, changes in a person’s thinking and feelings, and an increase in the fight-or-flight response.

These symptoms persist for more than a month following the event. Young children are less likely to exhibit distress and may instead express their memories through play. Suicide and intentional self-harm are more likely in people who have PTSD.

If you know someone struggling with PTSD please call a doctor immediately, so that they can refer them to the right institution and help them assess what they are dealing with right now.

Call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Book your appointment at:

Visit our websites for more details: OR

5 Tips for Mental Health

Emotional health is one aspect of mental health. It is a state of positive psychological functioning. It can be thought of as an extension of mental health; it’s the “optimal functioning” end of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make up both our inner and outer worlds.

We listed 5 Tips to help you maintain your Emotional Health.

1. Create and maintain a healthy daily routine.

2. Be aware of the amount of news you are watching and reading.

3. Set reasonable expectations for yourself.

4. Stay connected to family and friends.

5. Get time for yourself and breathe.

If you’re still feeling anxious about your mental and emotional health. You can call or book an appointment with our service provider listed below.

☎☎☎call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Book your appointment at:

Visit our websites for more details: OR

What is ADHD? What are the Symptoms & How can they be treated?

ADHD is a condition that makes it difficult to pay attention. As a result, you may experience difficulties focusing, getting organized, and completing tasks. They may act first without thinking, and it may cause you to be more active than others.

The most common symptoms of ADHD in adults are attention problems and hyperactivity. People with ADHD often find it hard to finish tasks, keep relationships, focus their attention, remember things, pay attention, and think before they act.

ADHD can be treated in many ways like medicine, behavioral treatment, counseling, or combinations of the said treatments.

☎☎☎ Call us now at (520) – 333- 4949 Visit our websites for more details: OR

Daily Vision Nuggets #1 Your path does not have to make sense to everyone!

Your Vision Nugget from Global Vision Midwife

#nugget from #purposepusher, #dreamweaver:

“Your path does not have to make sense to everyone…”

PURCHASE 365 Daily Vision Nugget Book on Amazon:

The #988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is now LIVE!

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is formerly known as National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It will replace 1-800-273-8255 (TALK), which is a very long number and not easy to remember to 988, which is like 911 for emergency response. The idea behind 988 was to make it easy for people who are suffering mental and emotional distress to get assistance as soon as possible.

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, which is now live nationwide, is being billed as an alternative to calling 911 for mental health emergencies like suicidal thinking or behavior, trauma, substance misuse, and psychosis. When someone contacts the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, they will reach a trained crisis counselor who can discuss what’s happening and, if necessary, connect them to local mental health resources and support.

☎☎☎call us now at (520) – 333- 4949 Visit our websites for more details: OR

#988 #988response #988mentalhealth #988lifeline #lifeline #mentalhealth #mentalhealthprofessional #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #bipolar #stress #depression #anxiety #mentalhealthsupport #pobpsychiatry #DrFumiPsychDNP #arizonamentalhealth #arizona

Emotional Effect of Losing Someone You Love

Experiencing the loss of a loved one can be traumatic and truly heartbreaking. The mourning process can be confusing, and you may feel your life will never be the same.

Grief is different for everyone, but most people would agree that dealing with loss can take a toll on your mental health. Feelings of sadness, anger, loneliness, and hopelessness are all common emotions people experience during the grieving process. These emotions can vary in severity, but for some people, they may be overwhelming.

Although it can be difficult to admit, if you are struggling to move past your grief, you should get professional help. Likewise, if you feel your loved one has had an exceptionally difficult time grieving a loss, you should encourage them to talk to a psychiatrist for treatment.

Dr. Fumi Hancock was interviewed on #UYG S2 Ep 2 Talks About How to Maintain your #MentalWellness

The #UYG Show – Season 2 Episode 2 – International. Talks about How to Maintain your #MentalWellness during Covid19 Pandemic. A big thanks to the hosts for this interview. #mentalwellness#mentalhealth#mentalhealthawareness#mentalhealthmatters#depression#anxiety#wellness#DrFumiPsychDNP#pobpsychiatry#arizona#influencer#blogger#contentcreator#arizonamentalhealth#stress#depression#anxiety#mentalhealthsupport



Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense, or afraid. Everyone feels anxious from time to time. Occasional anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty about what’s going to happen next, whether that’s in the next few minutes, days, or months. It can be experienced through our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.Keep in mind that if your anxiety is long-lasting and interferes with your daily life, you could have an anxiety disorder. In that case, you may need to call your doctor to get treatment for it.

☎☎☎call us now at (520) – 333- 4949

Visit our websites for more details: OR

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Saying goodbye is always hard…

Saying goodbye is always hard…

Last Friday, it is with great shock and heavy heart I share the lose of one of our company family member – Mika. She was young, vibrant and incredibly intelligent. She was also a little sister to me. Every video branding of both of my companies- she was responsible for the videos many of you have told me you enjoy. This is indeed a big loss and I pray God’s strength over her family. Today, I am still and know that He is God. Love you all.

Dr. Fumi Stephanie Hancock, PSYCHDNP featured at Does a Narcissist Know He’s a Narcissist?

They may not appreciate being called ‘narcissistic’ but would never apologize for the traits they exhibit.
Read the full link:

Check out her #1HotNewRelease and #BestsellingBookon #Amazon: The Half-baked #Narcissist in Your World: How to Outsmart, Rebuild, and Live After Encountering a Genocidal Sociopath:

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthexpert #mentalhealthmatters #DrFumiPsychDNP #pobpsychiatry #psychotherapy #bestsellingauthor #arizona #nurse #pobpsychiatry #empowerment #NursesChallenge #nursepreneur

Wellness Wednesday: Finding Relief During National Stress Awareness Month

Wellness Wednesday: Finding Relief During National Stress Awareness Month

This last year has added a lot of stress on all of us.

April is National Stress Awareness Month so there I no better time to serve as a reminder that we don’t have to live under so much stress.

But how can you get some relief?

The four’s Xavier Hershovitz spoke with Dr. Stephanie Fumi Hancock, PsychDNP, the CEO of Pool of Bethesda Psychiatric Health, and a bestselling author of 24 self-help books.

Continue Reading here → Wellness Wednesday: Finding Relief During National Stress Awareness Month

DON’T STRESS! Doing Your Best in Times of Crisis

Since the global insurgence of COVID-19, I’ve seen a sharp increase in the number of patients engaging in mental health practice to help with stress and anxiety related to the pandemic.

In addition to my regular patient population, I’m seeing an increasing number of patients from corporate work settings and small business owners reaching out for tools on managing their stress in these trying times.

Forbes reported that a 2019 study found that 76% of respondents said workplace stress had a negative impact on their personal relationships; 66% have lost sleep due to work-related stress; and 16% have quit jobs because stress became too overwhelming.

Continue Reading here → DON’T STRESS! Doing Your Best in Times of Crisis

The Half-baked Narcissist in Your World: How to Outsmart, Rebuild, and Live After Encountering a Genocidal Sociopath (Trauma to Recovery™ series Book 2)

🙏❤️Good morning family. Happy New Year to you.
My mission for #2022 and I need your help.

💊I have been In Mental Health and Social work fields for over 30 years and a little over 3 years ago opened my clinics here in Arizona. God has been great. It is truly rewarding though very challenging to see the rise of mental illness even amongst my fellow nurses.

💊During this pandemic, my patients, as well as clinicians, have been coming to ask me questions about narcissistic personalities. So I finally took them up on their recommendations – to write a book on it.
🙏Please first join me in thanking God as frankly, this was the most difficult book I have written. I have successfully written 24 books with 17 being bestsellers. But boyThis one tested me in ways you cannot even imagine.

💊First I had to really check myself to ensure that I was capable of doing justice to this subject.
Then, I had to figure out if this was a topic I wanted to take on especially in this atmosphere going on in America. At the end of the day, I needed to follow my calling as a board-certified psychiatric mental health Dr of nurse practice.

💊My ask? Can you please share with others? Can you pick up one while you gift another? We just never know who needs this. There has been so much focus on politics while several personality disorders are being paraded and attention is not paid to people who are truly suffering mentally. We need more awareness.

💊The preorder for the ebook is out. I want to focus on pushing that before the softcover and the accompanying journal are released.

Thank you.

You can get this from — > The Half Baked Narcissist in Your World from

The One Thing You Must Do In The New Year That’s Better Than Making Resolutions

It won’t set you up for failure.

When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, it’s easy to make a bunch — you’ll pay off all your credit card debt and finish writing that book. But you then find yourself not achieving any of them. That’s why intentions are better than resolutions for 2022. YouGov found that approximately one in four Americans said they made New Year’s resolutions for 2020 and about half of the respondents said they kept actually kept some of them. So why is it so easy to break our resolutions, which are like promises to ourselves? [Can we get to the topic of our story early on in this first graf? We need to include our SEO key words and topic of intentions being better than resolutions.]

Continue Reading here → The One Thing You Must Do In The New Year That’s Better Than Making Resolutions

If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder

If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder

It may be more than winter blues.

With temperatures dropping and the days getting darker sooner, you may find it’s affecting your mood — and you may not feel like leaving the house as much either. Maybe you think it’s just a case of winter blues. The cause might also be something a bit more serious, like seasonal affective disorder (SAD). According to the Cleveland Clinic, this condition is exactly what it sounds like, a “depression that gets triggered by a change in seasons, usually when fall starts.” And it gets worse in the winter. But, thankfully, when spring arrives, SAD typically ends.

Continue Reading here → If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder @ THEZOEREPORT

If The Cold Months Have You Down, You May Be Experiencing This Disorder

It may be more than winter blues.

With temperatures dropping and the days getting darker sooner, you may find it’s affecting your mood — and you may not feel like leaving the house as much either. Maybe you think it’s just a case of winter blues. The cause might also be something a bit more serious, like seasonal affective disorder (SAD). According to the Cleveland Clinic, this condition is exactly what it sounds like, a “depression that gets triggered by a change in seasons, usually when fall starts.” And it gets worse in the winter. But, thankfully, when spring arrives, SAD typically ends.

Continue Reading here →

Health care worker makes her plea

Watching the news, speaking with my patients, and even just listening to random strangers converse, I’m saddened by what I’m hearing. My perspective is different than most.

You see, I grew up in southwestern Nigeria, the Emure-Ekiti kingdom where my family, the Adumori royal dynasty has ruled since about 1200 AD. As an African princess living in diaspora, I have seen firsthand what it’s like when people don’t have access to adequate medical care. People in Africa and other parts of the world are dying from a lack of necessities like food and water, yet here in America, we are blessed to have access to a miracle of modern science that can save your life. It’s mindboggling and irritating that people are so against this vaccine.

Continue Reading here → Health care worker makes her plea at Las Vegas Sun

8 Tips to Help Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the days get shorter and the sunsets earlier, many people will experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which brings on symptoms of depression. What can you do to feel better?

Dr. Fumi Stephanie Hancock, PsychDNP, is the CEO of POB Psychiatric Health and a bestselling author of 24 self-help books. Below are her tips to help manage SAD.

Read more at 8 Tips to Help Seasonal Affective Disorder at getfitnow

CBS-Good Morning Arizona Interviews Dr. FumiPsychDNP on Simone Biles & MentalHealth AZfamily

#CBS-#GoodMorningArizona Interviews #DrFumiPsychDNP on #SimoneBiles & #MentalHealth. #AZfamily

With the advent of the #DELTA #COVID19 raging throughout the world, there is an increase in anxiety, panic, and other mood disorders. Dr. Fumi Stephanie Hancock, Your #Compassionate #Traumacare Expert, Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Dr. of Nurse Practice, is interviewed on CBS – Good Morning Arizona (AZFamily) to discuss #Olympian Simone Biles (#Tokyo2021), her Mental Health, and how we can all learn #lifelessons from her bravery.

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #goodmorningarizona #pobpsychiatry #azfamily #mentalhealth #cbs #drfumipsychdnp #drfumihancock #princessfumihancock #drprincessfumihancock #tms #pobpsychiatrytms #pobpsychiatry-tms

For more information on Dr. Fumi Stephanie Hancock, DNP, PMHNP-BC, CNP:

Want to Pick Up My Bestselling Books?

Are you overwhelmed, Depressions, Suffering from Anxiety/Panic Attacks? Let us help you. We also have Telepsychiatry:

Pool of Bethesda Psychiatric Health:

Are you suffering from Persistent Depression, and do you live in the Phoenix, SunCity, Goodyear, Surprise Areas? Find out How we can help you with #TMS:



Op-Ed: A Desperate Clarinet Call From A Frustrated Healthcare Worker To The Unvaccinated

TUCSON, AZ – Watching the news, speaking with my patients, and even just listening to random strangers converse, I’m saddened by what I’m hearing. My perspective is different than most. You see, I grew up in the South-Western Region of Nigeria, Emure-Ekiti kingdom where my family, the Adumori Royal Dynasty has ruled since about 1200 AD. As an African Princess Living in Diaspora, I have seen firsthand what it’s like when people don’t have access to adequate medical care. People in Africa and other parts of the world are dying from a lack of necessities like food and water, and here in America, we are blessed to have access to a miracle of modern science that can save your life. It’s mindboggling and irritating that people are so against this vaccine.

I left the royal household at the age of 17 and decided to come to America to pursue my dream of psychiatry and mental health. I was determined to bridge the gap between Africa and America, helping people with trauma change their life stories. For years I have successfully done just that, but I’m not sure how much longer I can go on. I’m not sure how much longer any of my fellow healthcare workers can go on, either. In fact, many of them have called it quits already.

Read more at Published Reporter: Op-Ed: A Desperate Clarinet Call From A Frustrated Healthcare Worker To The Unvaccinated

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Ativador Windows 11

Conversion Disorder In Children | What You Need To Do

Conversion disorder in children is more common than most people think! However, not many parents know about conversion disorder unless their children are experiencing it. We are going to learn about conversion disorder in children and we have some key tips from our expert to help your child through this difficult challenge.

Conversion disorder is a type of disorder that can cause neurological symptoms or challenges that can not be explained by a physical injury, disease or illness. The symptoms can be serious and scary for the patient. They can experience temporary blindness, paralysis, ataxia, the loss of touch, the loss of being able to move extremities, the loss of voice, the loss of smell and so much more. In serious situations, a patient may experience hallucinations or even seizures!


It is unknown what causes Conversion Disorder but doctors have linked it with stress. Both physical stress and mental stress can be triggers that cause the symptoms of Conversion Disorder. We find patients with conversion disorder have a lot of of stress in their lives, whether it is a trauma that has happened to them or in their environment.

Some patients who have been diagnosed with Conversion Disorder have been found to have other neurological challenges. Symptoms can last a few weeks or much longer.


As parents we can feel helpless when our child is suffering from Conversion Disorder.  Conversion Disorder in children can be hard to watch and we want to help. Even with Covid 19 and the stressors it may cause in healthy patients, more and more children are dealing with Conversion Disorder.

We asked Dr. Stephanie Fumi Hancock, to give us some top tips on the best thing parents can do to to be proactive with their kid’s emotional health before Conversion Disorder symptoms can appear. Let’s help our children before it becomes a bigger problem!




Dr. Stephanie Fumi Hancock, PsychDNP, is the CEO of Pool of Bethesda Psychiatric Health and a bestselling author of 24 self-help books.

Dr. Princess Fumi – An African Princess Inspiring All

On this episode of the Success Podcast, Dr. Fumi on her inspirational work in business, health and community service was interviewed. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!


Dr. Princess Fumi Stephanie, RN, DNP, who’s an African princess living in the diaspora, would no doubt be amongst the list of extraordinary women who have graced this earth. Dr. Fumi has touch lives in several ways, ranging from her amazing books, her lifestyle, her philanthropic works in Africa, her talk shows, to mention a few. She is a bestselling author, a NAFCA African Oscar and Indiefest Film Award Winner, an African Heritage Leadership Recipient, a TV personality, an international transformation interventionist and philanthropist, Psych-mental health nurse practitioner, TEDxTalk international speaker, the president of Princess of Suburbia (which is currently aired on ROKU and Comcast, Michigan), etc.

The impressive professional career of Princess Fumi has spanned nursing, women’s and behavioral health care, organizational leadership, communications, writing best-selling novels and award-winning screenplays, film production, ghostwriting autobiographies, transformational life coaching, and mentoring. Her entire life is a source of inspiration to not just women whose dreams have been suppressed by the norms of our society and gender inequality, but also everyone who wish to follow her footsteps.

While some people call her a social changer; others refer to her as a transformation catalyst whose aim is to extend the hand and heart of social justice. Due to her wordsmith prowess, and given the fact that she is a bestselling author, people also regard her as a story weaver who aims to merge the gap between Africa and America.

Dr. Hancock’s love for the literary arts and behavioral health sciences has forced her to strike an equilibrium between the two disciplines, via her TV/ radio shows, documentaries, feature films, books, including her wellness presentations. Presently, the well-known writer has about 24 books to her credit, with four of those 24 books becoming bestsellers. The Nigerian princess is indeed in love with her pen as she plans on releasing other books regarding personal and success development. Vision Torch, which was recently written by this bestselling author, has gained prominence in several organizations, ministries, and colleges, including countries such as the USA, Pakistan, etc.

When Dr. Hancock isn’t scribbling down an idea on a book or making movies, she is an in-demand international public speaker, (indoctrinated into the National speakers Bureau-USA), with appealing topics in fields such as health, wellness, self-help development, personal growth, and success. For two years, Princess Fumi worked as a columnist at The New American Times, Tennessee, where she wrote an article on “Mental Health in the Media,” which has been featured in several newspapers like the Tennessean Tribune, the Tennessean, etc.

Aside from being blessed with a supportive husband and four grown children, one of her greatest achievements is her philanthropic work in Africa ( The Princess of Suburbia foundation). Here is a woman who aims to make the world a better place by inspiring, motivating, empowering, and equipping others, by helping them to heal from past traumas, get on track with their true calling, and live a life of fulfillment.

#Inspiration, #Africa, #Joseph-Bonner, #African-Princess, #Icast-Radio, #Dr.Princess-Fumi, #Success-Podcast

Why did this African Princess Choose Nursing as a Career Path?


As we celebrate #2020 #YearofNurses, it is my pledge to help our #Millenials#GenZ maneuver, their way through #nursing. Many have different reasons for being who they are. I will be lying if I said I fell into #Nursing. As an #African #Princess, I have always found myself caring at a tender age. I just didn’t know it was nursing. When I would act a role or write a play when in grade school, it was always about me caring for someone. As a 14x #BestsellingAuthor, #NAFCA #AfricanOscar and #Indiefest #Film award winner, I wrote #lifestories which showed characters we are inclined to care for.

Today, as a #BoardCertified #Psychiatric #MentalHealth Dr. of #NursePractice, I serve the most vulnerable population on-site and via telepsychiatry. I am proud to be a #NURSE.

Watch this and be inspired by my story…. Why would an African Princess choose nursing as a career?

Hi, I’m Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, PsychDNP. I am an African Princess Living in Diaspora. Your International Board Certified (PMHNP-BC), Psychiatric Mental Health Dr. of Nurse Practice, Bestselling Author/Publisher,  TEDxTALK Speaker, Award-winning Online TV/Podcast Host, On-Air Mental Health Expert: As Seen On Bloom Today TV, CBN, Faith TV, Ben TV, NTA Int’l., Love World TV, & Award-winning Filmmaker.

Are you in the ARIZONA AREA?

My #FearlessVisionaries are Rocking the World as #BestsellingAuthors. Proud to be their #Publisher:

2020 (C) Copyright.

What Do You Do When Depression & Anxiety Rock Your World During Valentine’s Day?

On today’s FULL episode, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, PsychDNP, talks about the rise of Depression and Anxiety during #Valentine’s day is close. What to look out for and steps to take for self-preservation.

Learn more about Dr. Hancock at Need help? Visit

For Inspiration: Join FearlessVisionaries Community on Facebook:

Mental Health Disorders & Wellness:

Pick Up #1 Hot New Release & Bestselling Book in 7 categories! Fearless Visionaries: TEAR THE VEIL (Vols 1 & 2)

Questions for the Dr.?

Do you have a burning question for Dr. Fumi, please post in the comment section.

#health #inspiration #mentalhealth #motivation #teartheveil #jnj #TraumaCareExpert #TraumaCare #DrFumiPsychDNP #LifeRehabAmbassador #PrincessFumiHancock #PrincessofSuburbia #depressiontreatment #traumarecovery #mentalwellness #recovery #mindfulness

Merry Christmas from the Princess in Suburbia® Family!

Sending LOVE to the people battling mental illness, feeling lonely, who are caregivers to someone who’s ill, who struggle to afford a holiday celebration, who are grieving a loss during the HOLIDAYS, and for those who are spending the holidays with people who are not supportive. We wish you a merry Christmas and to your family. Wishing you PEACE and JOY to you and your family this holiday season. 

Go to and for more help.

Merry Christmas from the Princess in Suburbia® Family!

Professionals & Entrepreneurs Have Trauma Too! I Dare to Share My Lifestory #TeartheVeil™

WHY YOU MUST READ THIS: Our State of Emergency

Whether you are the most powerful judge sitting on the most powerful seat on the planet, or you are the CEO of a powerhouse global organization…Are you a political head of a country? Do you drive the economy of an organization in a ministerial capacity? Or a Nurse entrepreneur, a filmmaker, a writer? It doesn’t really matter if you are a struggling artist either or a comedian who masks his or her pain with comedy. One thing is common amongst us all … #Trauma is Trauma and it is no respecter of anyone!

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My name is Dr. Fumi S. Hancock, I am an #AfricanPrincess living in #Diaspora, a #Psychiatric #MentalHealth #Doctor of #NursePractice, Principal at #PoolofBethesda Psychiatric Health Clinics in Arizona, USA, YourCompassionate #TraumaCare On-Air Specialist, TN #GoodwillAmbassador and a proud #JohnsonandJohnson #NurseInnovation #Fellow. I want to share with you, a topic that’s burning deep in my heart today. Will you dare to share, comment and let’s start some needed conversations around this. I thank you in advance.


I share my social proof today because, in spite of being a #BestsellingAuthor, #TEDxTalk Speaker and a Brand Connoisseur (the# PrincessofSuburbia(R)) who has helped literally thousands of women globally to push beyond their pain into recovery, I too suffered abuse. In spite of being raised in an African Royal Household, the #Adumori Royal Dynasty, I was not exempted from a disastrous marriage which almost took, my life!

There is NO Shame in Declaring Our Freedom from Trauma: #TeartheVeil

#BestsellingAuthor: Flerida Santana-Johnas, Real Estate Developer, New York State

#BestsellingAuthor: Wendy L Alexander, International Business Strategist, Dubia, UAE-USA

#BestsellingAuthor: Erkya T. Johnson, Award-winning Engineer Extraordinaire, Texas, USA

More Declaration of Freedom from Trauma through Rehabilitative Storytelling.

Today, I stand before you an accomplished Filmmaker, who is sharing other peoples’ life stories through the #FearlessVisionariesBrand … reminding professionals and entrepreneurs (like me) to engage in the healing process. We no longer have to carry the burden of sitting on time bombs of our past, pretending to be whole. Because we have managed to make it to the top doesn’t mean we don’t have the permission to be made whole.

Today, I also share with you stories that are personal, stories that are inspirational. These women are from all walks of life… from different continents: From America, Africa, UAE, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom … Let them inspire you to rise up and #TeartheVeil.

Our Bestselling Award-winning FearlessVisionaries Are Disrupting the Cycle of Violence through #REhabilitative #Storytelling. Check Out our WorldTour

Our Book Launches have taken us to United Nations, New York, Capital Hill, Washington D.C., University of East London, Eiffel Tower, Paris, United Kingdom, Several Launches in USA, Dubai, UAE… More tours on the way.

DUBAI UAE, November 4 – 9, 2019 – #EpicMoment

Sadly, we are losing too many great leaders to untimely death through #suicide, #Unresolved #mentalhealth disorders… It’s time we stopped and let’s begin to #TeartheVeil about our past. This is a #StateofEmergency!

As someone who found herself at the edge of Verrazano Bridge in New York several years ago, attempting to end it all and for some odd divine intervention did not complete the attempt… I KNOW THE POWER OF #REHABILITATIVE #Storytelling. I am not necessarily advocating any type of movement just simply encouraging out leaders in various industries… it is time to heal! It is time for YOUR #PersonalTransformation and your transformation will bring about a more permanent #SocialReformation we have all been seeking. Our community awaits you: Facebook Community


Stay tuned as I share with you my next podcast series: Getting It Right! Tear the Veil with Dr. Fumi, PSychDNP (Available on several platforms including iTunes) Your #EmpowermentClinic (TM)

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It’s Life, Home, Business and Career” Together, we can disrupt the cycle of violence, abuse even in our workplace! STAY TUNED – COMING SOON ON: LinkedIn, FacebookLive and Periscope (!PrinessofSuburbia). First Topic in the series: What’s In Your Rear-view Mirror? Don’t Miss It.

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It is with great honor that I officially announce being part of the very first cohort of #JohnsonandJohnson (#jnj) #NurseInnovation #Fellowship. Congratulations to all of the other 11 #Fellows whom I met at the last #Sonsiel by #RebeccaLove, sponsored by #JnJ event in #NewJersey. #LyndaBenton thank you for making us feel well at home during the #NurseHackathon event.

1st ever Cohort of Johnsons and Johnson Nurse Innovation Fellowship

For the next two years, I am ready to innovate alongside powerhouse leaders… to cause disruption that will yield a palatable end-result globally. #NursesInnovate, #nursediruption

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Article on the Cohort


I Dare YOU to be Bold Today … #TeartheVeil On One Thing! **I Jumpstart the journey with you

** #TeartheVeil on #SuicideAttempt after a Bitter Divorce … Your “Likes” Matter but “Your Comments” Disrupt More …

RESOURCES FOR YOU: How to reach me.

Ready to Invite Me As Your Keynote Speaker or Expert on your Platform? For Media Purposes:

Pob Psychiatry Clinics:

The Princess of Suburbia ®: The Brand and Foundation (The Adumori Project):

2020 FearlessVisionaries: (Title- Not Released Yet) Application is opening soon. We are more than a Book of Missions: Stay Tuned for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.

#wealth #health #drfumihancock #drprincessfumihancock #mental #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #nursesinnovate #nurse #storyteller #Ambassador #rehabilitative #psychiatry #princessinsuburbia #princessofsuburbia #publishing #publisher #writer #bestseller #africanoscar #author #jnj

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2019© Copyright. The Princess of Suburbia® Dr. Princess Fumi Stephanie Hancock.

From Dubai to New Brunswick New Jersey SONSIEL Nurse Hackathon

She just came back from Dubai as a Keynote Speaker, now she is at the SONSIEL Nurse Hackathon sponsored by Johnson&Johnson

Join Dr. Stephanie F. Hancock, DNP. and other nurse leaders – the first cohort of the Johnson & Johnson Nurse Innovation Fellowship this weekend as they come together to share their passions, experiences, and ideas at the first SONSIEL Nurse Hackathon, sponsored by Johnson & Johnson. The 3-day event is inviting nurses to collaborate on solutions to solve the greatest problems in healthcare on November 15-17, in New Brunswick New Jersey. She just came back from Dubai as the KEYNOTE SPEAKER and now she went straight to this event. See you there!

SONSIEL Nurse Hackathon Details:
Hackathon purpose: Champion nurse-led innovation by bringing together nurses for a weekend dedicated to collaborative problem solving to improve human health, in partnership with Johnson & Johnson and SONSIEL.

What is a Hackathon: A 3-day event that brings Nurses and people from other professions together to take on human health problems by creating solutions in a supportive setting with colleagues and mentors.
Who should attend: Nurses, Recent Graduates, Healthcare Professionals, Engineers, Healthcare Venture Investors, Angel Fund Investors, Developers, Designers, and Entrepreneurs.
Join us for a weekend that will forever change your view of your value, impact, and future in nursing and healthcare! You don’t want to miss this!

Event schedule:

​Friday, November 15, 2019:
3:00 – 5:00 PM: (Optional) Museum tours – sign-ups may be found on the registration form.
5:00 PM: Hackathon doors open at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
6:00 PM: Kick-off, speakers – Dinner served
7:00 PM: Call for audience problem presentation
8:00 PM: Team formation
10:30 PM: Doors close

Saturday, November 16, 2019:
7:00 AM: Doors open – Breakfast served
7:00am-12:00pm (noon): Team Time
11:00 AM–12:00 PM: Breakout speeches
12:00 – 2:00 PM: Teamwork time – Lunch served
2:00 – 4:00 PM: Pre-pitch event – Snacks served
6:00 PM: Ward 5B screening & Dinner served
10:00 PM: Doors close

Sunday: November 17, 2019:
7:00 AM: Doors open – Breakfast served
7:00am-12:pm (noon): Team Time
12:00 noon: Final pitches present – Lunch served
2:00 – 3:00 PM: Final wrap up, awards
3:00 PM: Event concludes